Chapter 2 – Season 2 – Episode 3: Speak your mind
Today, is the day that we simply speak our mind. This is the day that we speak about things that perhaps we would not speak about if they happened in another day. I am a 115 year old man from Bangladesh, Illinois. I first came to this country over 100 years ago. So, when we spoke, I am not saying today that my ancestors are now responsible for the entire country, but my cousins and family members. I am referring to you, the people of the land of Illinois, a state which has known me for all these years. But never have we been asked about our status, and now when are we asking.
Refridgerators work in weird ways, there are things inside the refrigerator, things are found only when you open the refrigerator door. We have seen lots of things in our refrigerator that we have never put in there. Things that are simply out of this world. The same can be said about the dish washer, I mean dishwashing machine, and other washing machines that are out there. When we put our soap, or detergent in the machine, they disappear, and have their ways when they put other stuff in. The whole concept of this can be seen as simple as that. No need to make any jokes about it.
Today we are talking about it, and about some of the things that are inside the things that we simply call products. Some of the things that can be found inside these unique pieces of machinery are things such as microbes, mold and other substances. As simple as this sounds, even I can see how we have all felt a bit strange when we tried a new dishwashing soap, and it came out full of microbes, mold and other disturbing things. And don’t get me started on the automatic dishwashers that some people have, they are loaded to the hilt, and when the food hits the final dishwash cycle, they come out ‘somewhat’ clean. Have you ever used one? They are awful!
One thing that does grind my goat is these next generation cheese sandwiches, which are sometimes sold in stores. I have never tried any of these, and I would not have an opinion if I had not seen how these things are made. The way cheese sandwiches are made, I will not let the small stuff that they put inside bother me. I am convinced that they need to go to a place where they can put in all the mold and fungus that they want, I just would not think of buying it from a store! Home made, sure, lets do it! However, how can you trust what they put into these super affordable, hot and ready to go foods at your local corner store.
On the topic of hygiene, 2020 through to 2022 has posed what is arguably the biggest focus on hygiene in human kind, yet we are surprised when things don’t work out properly when there is so much money in it. Yet, take a Frijj Chocolate Fudge Brownie Milkshake for example, yes you read right, it contains milk from cows which have received antibiotics and other drugs that we have to put in our stomachs to prevent infection. This Chocolate Fudge Brownie Milkshake is a brand name, no? How does that work? What happened to recognizing the source of the ingredients that we buy? And what if you have any allergies to any ingredient, does the company have a policy to fix this?
I dont know, I’m just saying…
Well, that is it for today!
I’ll take a Frijj Chocolate Fudge Brownie milkshake and a plot for my grave plznthnx! (I’m diabetic heh.)
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