Redemption (Chapter 5)

Dimitri moved through forms quick and sure. The escrimas in his hands were made of a clear polycarbon composite, that looked like light in his hands when the sun shone on them. He flew into an ariel, seeming to use no effort. Just flowing off the floor and into the air, more natural than a bird. Nearby, Yokko went through forms as well. She flowed from one form to another. Sais of clear polycarbon span and flew in her hands. She moved confident and strong in each move and breath. Little by little the two came closer and closer. Then, the duel began. Weapons flew, shining in the sun like light itself. Their movements seemed to have no end, no break. Each one flowed into the next like water. A hold established and broken, an opening closed almost before it was seen. Moves made and moves blocked. They moved toward each other, a weapon shining in the air on both sides. They met and with a crash like thunder they shattered. They looked at each other a few moments more before bowing to each other. They walked off the dojo floor and once off, they laughed and hugged each other.

“You’re getting stronger. That was really something.” Dimitri said, smiling and ruffling her hair.

Yokko grinned and pushed the hand away, “Really? Was it really good?”

“Yeah, it was. Come on, let’s go wash up and eat.”

“Okay daddy.”

Yokko picked up the remaining sai and twirled it in the air as she walked off. Dimitri shook his head ruefully as he picked up the broken pieces of the weapons. He always felt better around his daughter. And this was no exception. The nightmare he had that morning seemed very distant. He grinned to himself and walked away from the dojo to join her.


P.S. This chapter brought to you by inspiration from a KRave song. 😉

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