Rage (Chapter 8)

(Author’s note : If you’re wondering where the previous chapters of this story is, you have to go back in my diary some entries. They are all labeled though.)

The hall was completely silent. The Paladins stood their ground, silent as shadows. They waited for the rebels to arrive. The students were anxious to see Joseph in action after reading how many records and perfect missions he had. Joseph breathed deeply. He heard the rebels approach before any of the others. He slipped some optical ear buds in his ears and pressed play on the reciever. Music pumped into his ear, the beat strong and energized. The rebels crashed through the windows. Joseph span out of his hiding place, drawing his 45As, the silencer already on. He downed four with the first set of shots. The Paladins burst out seconds after Joseph, following his lead. He moved with the beat. The guns spun in his hands, like an old west gunfighter, as he moved from one target to another. One of the rebels rushed him, a long knife in his hand. Joseph moved calm and sure. He holstered his 45As. A deft movement and the rebel’s wrist snapped, the knife skidding away on the floor. Joseph leaped up, kicking the rebel back, crushing ribs in the process. Joseph tucked his body back and excuted a back flip in mid air, drawing his 45As. He landed and shot without any hint of aim, hitting the rebel dead center regardless. He spun around, looking for the next target, but all were taken out. He looked around and saw all the Paladins standing, unhurt. He pressed stop on the reciever.

“Alright squad. Let’s do a full sweep. No evidence of our presence. Not a shell casing, not a piece of fabric, not even an eyelash. Let’s get moving. We have half an hour.”

The Paladins nodded and began the sweep.



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aww, that was sweet. I’m feeling a lot better, thanks. Well, nmb soon! Amber

Hey thanks for the note. Yea, Kelly Clarkson does have a wonderful voice. Well, nmb soon! Amber

LOL! Everyone on here has brown eyes…I have a very rare color of eyes. I looked it up and it’s proven that only 1 in every two million people have my color eyes. They’re called ocean colored cause they’re deep green & deep blue mixed. Well, nmb soon! Amber