Maverick Effect (Chapter 13)

Maverick sat in meditation on the floor of his tour trailer. His breathing was deep and even. Lily rolled over in the bed and slowly opened her eyes. She smiled softly as she watched his back rise and fall slowly. He still wasn’t sleeping much, but he had been sleeping longer and better. Of the few girls that Mav actually fell asleep with had all learned quickly of his bad dreams. They all knew by his talking in his sleep and tossing around that he had bad dreams. But Mav himself hardly remembered his dreams or claimed that he didn’t have many. He streched slowly out of his meditation position.

She reached from the bed and lightly touched his back. He turned around and smiled at her.

“Hey cutie.”


She tugged gently on his hand. He moved onto the bed with her and she slipped into his arms. He slowly ran his fingers through her hair. She pulled his hands into hers, tracing his hands and fingers softly.

“Something on your mind cutie?”

“How did you feel when the accident happened?”

“What brought this up?”

“I just felt I should have been there.”

Maverick sighed softly.

“No one could have expected that to happen. You needed the weekend off. All the crew did. That last tour just burned everyone out.”

“You’ve never really talked about that night though.”

“You sure you want to know this?”

“Yes, if you wouldn’t mind talking about it much.”

Maverick sighed again.

“Well I guess someone should know…”

“It was dark by the time I got out of the mall. The crowd hadn’t been too bad though. But by the time I left there really wasn’t anyone around. I had just gotten to my truck when a group of men came out of a van that was nearby. But I already knew they weren’t coming for an autograph. They moved toward me quickly. At that point it was instinct that took over. I don’t remember everything clearly. We fought for what seemed like forever. When it became clear to them that they weren’t going to be able to kidnap me for ransom…which they later confessed to…they changed from fighting to subdue to fighting to injure or kill. By this time there were some of them that were unconcious, but still enough standing to keep me busy. I was actually doing pretty well until they started using crowbars and tire irons. I had just dodged one blow when another one knocked me down. I’ll never forget the feeling that came next. One of the men brought his tire iron down on my hand. I felt just an instant of pain and heard the bones just crunch and snap. Then it was just numb. I’m honestly not sure how I kept fighting, probably just complete and utter rage. I remember taking the last one down and then fainting myself. I was told the night watchman found me surrounded by a group of unconcious men. When I woke up I was already in the hospital. And you know about the rest…the doctors telling me I’d never play again. The reconstructive surgery, the rehabilitation, the work up to playing again.”

Maverick lay silent on the bed. Lily gently caressed his face. He turned and kissed her deeply. She smiled as she kissed him back.

“Thank you.”

“No thanks needed. As said, someone should know besides me.”

“Well, thank you for letting it be me.”

“Sure cutie.”

Maverick gently pushed her back and moved on top of her, kissing her softly. She smiled up at him.

“Someone is feeling frisky.”

Maverick smirked, “Well, it’s nice that you let me know how you’re feeling.”

She gently pulled his head down and kissed him…


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