Knightfall (Chapter 3)

Jubilee walked into the house still shaking. She saw a note on the counter, giving it only a cursory glance. It said the same thing everytime, her parents were out again. She didn’t mind in the least though, she liked it better when they were. She hurried into her room and slipped her long coat off. She moved over to her makeshift ‘lab’ and put the dirt clod on the molcular disrupter. She switched it on and imputed the base for dirt. She hit enter and a small field surrounded the dirt clod. Dirt began to break up and flake off into molcules. The process would take some time though. She walked over to her bed and sat down. She reached over and turned on her computer. She set the seach for the proper vid and leaned back to pull her boots off. The MD chimed a complete process and self switched off. She walked over and picked the bracelet up off the tray. She was suprised at how clean and new it looked despite the probable age. She walked over to the vid screen and saw her computer had already set on the Knight archive. She switched over to her favorite file, Damien Ryu. She clicked on items and scrolled through the list. Knight items were always rare, but there were two sets of items which had never been found. A Knight sword and any of Damien Ryu’s items. She found the picture for the bracelet and clicked for 3D. The hologram appeared in front of her. She started comparison between the bracelet in her hand and the image she had. They looked totally identical, but she needed something more, a detail, a clue that it wasn’t just a copy. She hit detail and the hologram grew in size. She studided every inch of it, moving it in different ways. Finally she saw something she could use. On the underside of one yin yang she saw a deep sratch of a half circle with a line through it. She looked at the bracelet in her hand slowly and found the same half circle with a line through it. She switched off the computer and stared at the bracelet in her hand. She couldn’t believe it, she had an actual Damien Ryu relic, the legendary founder of the Knighthood.


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RYN: .

Did you know you used an oxymoron in your last note to me? You said Texas Justice… *chuckles softly*

*pokes back* easy for you to say. 😛