Grey Day
Good day to all. Not much going on here. I’m so tired. I feel so out of it. It’s raining today. I love the rain usually, but if I’m feeling like crap from the beginning, usually the dark clouds end up dragging my mood down. It’s times like these that I feel so horrible. I feel all the faults I have in myself and in my life. Some of them are things that I got myself into and aren’t very nice, but they’re there all the same. I’m not exactly sure why this time in my life feels so awful. I want something different. I want to live on my own. But I want to stop struggling for every bit of ground in my life. This could easily turn into a very long “I want” list, but I’m not going to do that. So much has gone wrong in my life and so little has gone right. Even things that have gone right, there’s always some element in there that makes the experience bittersweet. I think I’m going to go fall asleep on one of the couches in the library. Let’s see if the day seems better if I wake up a second time.
meep i want the sun back!!!!
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*Hugs* I hope that things get better for us both, dear friend. Take care of yourself.
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