Dimensional Reality: Oz (Chapter 3)

  “Have you ever read a book or seen a movie that you didn’t like the ending? One that you felt should have ended a different way.  It seemed so unfair, so cruel.  So do we.  In certain instances we have interceeded in the affairs of worlds.  Many times it is to help save a world from destroying itself.  Other times it is simply to save a life that we feel should not be lost.  We do have our differences with the Fates when we do this.  Ah, yes, I almost left that out.  Who knew that that there were some elements of Greek mythology that were true.  The Fates are three sisters that sit in a huge room with thread of all colors and types around them.  Each has a sewing kit in their hands.  They decide where to wind threads around each other, for how long, when to thin the thread, when to thicken, and finally, when to cut the thread.  Our work does change the threads of Fate from time to time and they do not like having to do some things twice, but they tolerate us and the work we do.  It was one world in particular that I had to interceed in most recently.  Many of you have heard of it.  I did my best to try and save Oz…”



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Good thing here. Thank you for the note. Talk to you later Babe.

November 17, 2003

*smiles* This is shaping up nicely… Take care, friend, and be well.