Can you swim to that song?
Good day to all. The title kind of relates to DDR. I went out with Krillen on friday. We haven’t gone out in awhile, so we hung out and caught up on things. While we were out I decided to buy the new DDR, DDR: Extreme. I haven’t had as much time or energy to play it much, but it’s pretty cool. It’s got some crazy mixes on it though. Like one is a remix of the theme song from Enter the Dragon. And if anyone hasn’t seen it, you need to. It’s one of Bruce Lee’s best movies. It’s all retro too, it’s a bad ass movie.
Anyway, I’ve been trying to get into a schedule lately that’s more balanced, so I don’t stress. When I get home I eat dinner, then I take care of homework, then I play video games or watch a movie or something to clear my mind, then I exercise, then shower, then finish homework if there’s anything left, get ready for school, and sleep. Now for exercise I do the normal things, like lifting weights, push ups and sit ups. But I’ve also been doing t’ai chi for my class, then going through my regular martial art routines, and then I found that DDR has a workout mode. It’s actually kind of cool because, based on the song and the difficulty mode and how well you do on the steps it will tell you how many calories you’re burning. Then it will also how many miles you would have ran if you had been jogging, how many reps you would have done jumping rope, and how many laps you would have swam, or something like that. It’s pretty nifty.
Let’s see…what else is going on. I had a test for my English class today. I think it did well enough to pass it, but I don’t think I got an A. I’m pretty sure I can make up the points with regular assignments though, so I’m not too worried. My other classes are going alright. I’m just still trying to catch up on some of my reading. I’m pretty happy with my keeping on top of things though. I’m not procrastinating as much, so classes are going well. Anyway, I’m gonna get going. Take care all.
i luv u
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I wish I could stop procrastinating lol… ~myya
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