Beautiful Girls…

What is it about a beautiful girl? What makes a girl beautiful? A girl could smile and as the Counting Crows put it in Mr. Jones, “..she suddenly beautiful…” She says something a certain way, looks at you a certain way, stands a certain way and she’s beautiful. What makes one person beautiful to another? A sweep of a brush and a different style of dress could make all the difference from one person to another. How can one become another’s muse, goddess, or simply their angel. Humans are strange creatures by nature. Something as simple as a difference in eye color can make someone more or less attractive to another. To humans, these details are never simple. If this things were simple, one could easily find their own “beauitful girl/guy”. If things were simple one could find a number of “beautiful girls/guys”. But there is something about the search…at least to the modest gentleman author. The inability to find someone compatible among the numerous ones out there. Just looking around a mall, a campus, a busy street one can see plenty of beautiful girls. But there is one search for a true beautiful girl. Someone that is just as beautiful on the inside as the outside. All the looks in the world cannot help one’s happiness with another if there’s no personality there. There are really plenty of beautiful girls out there. But some are beautiful in a way that is not compatible with oneself. This inability to find one’s beautiful other, or to find them taken, can be as easily frustrating as it is perplexing. But for the early morning hour I belive I’ve rambled quite enough.


“…the cultivation of the mind, the body, and the soul, and we must always cultivate the soul.”

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Quite true. But suppose we could find our “perfect” guy or girl easily. What if everyone was so easily “beautified”? Wouldn’t the beauty standard just increase?

I liked that sweety. What been on your mind to think about that. How are you doin anywayz? I got your offline message ya know the *pokes*. hehe I hope we can chat soon!

January 19, 2002

That was nice. It can be hard for girls to find guys who fall under the same category. In my life, I’ve known only a few people who could fall into the category of being beautiful on more than one level. But in those cases, I’ve always found myself attracted to the person’s intellect or personality first – not the physical attractivity.Hope to talk to you soon.Love,Laura

Very prophetic if i do say so myself.

January 21, 2002

I agree with what you’re saying. Beauty is in abundance, but beautiful… that is something that is hard to come by.

January 24, 2002

i think the same of him…they way he looks at me when he says i love you…the way he says my name…others may have done the same, but theres just something magical in him that makes me know i have found someone “beautiful” wonderful writing hon…take care

Ahh, “perfection”, the ultimate myth. Gives you hope, yet sets your standards so high, they will never be reached. I used to believe in fairy tales. Not so damn sure anymore. Dont mind me, I’m just all pissy. Sorry. Raven ps – love your work!