Ten Things Every Mother Knows

  1. Kisses are the best medicine for boo-boos.
  2. Catsup (ketchup) is not really a vegetable.
  3. Given the option of staying on a schedule or allowing a sleeping child to continue napping, napping wins every time.
  4. A perfect evening before children included dinner and a movie; after children, the perfect evening is a hot bubble bath and a full nights sleep.
  5. When you tell your children that you hope they have at least one just like themselves you mean for it sound like a curse. In your heart you know it is really a blessing.
  6. Any weed that your child picks out of the yard is far more beautiful than a dozen long-stemmed roses.
  7. Blue crayon on orange construction paper is far more valuable than anything Leonardo DaVinci ever scribbled.
  8. No romantic entanglement form your past ever broke your heart as much as the first time your child had a hurt that you were unable to instantly mend.
  9. No matter how much you spend on birthday and Christmas presents, the cartons are what the children will want to play with.
  10. Your own mother must have been the most amazing woman who ever lived

Happy Mother’s Day!

Third entry for today

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May 9, 2004

🙂 Happy Mommy’s Day! 🙂

RYN: Thanks for the note, but I have a question? He’s in college, does he still have to pay child support if he doesn’t have an income? I might need his money to help with bills and such, but after what he said to me, I don’t want him to have anything to do with this baby.

May 9, 2004

and you yourself will know the full joy of what you just wrote in a very short time. Happy Mother’s Day and we are waiting for the Good News. Relax, enjoy, your free time is getting shorter by the hour. Take Care. Hugs.

NIce entry !

Down to the last 48 hours. WAAAHOOO!! Happy Mother’s Day!!

Happy Mother’s Day :o)

May 9, 2004

*sniff, sniff* Happy Mother’s Day!!!

May 9, 2004

Happy Mothers Day

May 9, 2004

I loved it, Happy Mother’s day!

I hope these hold true for me. It didn’t really feel like a mother’s day for me. Claire and I just didn’t mention it. And I didn’t call my mother (for obvious reasons) I’m glad you had a great day.

May 10, 2004

Happy Mother’s Day, a little late. Yep, get lots of rest!

happy mommys day

Happy Mother’s Day! OK, i am sure you wont be around today, but i wanted to write to wish you luck tomorrow. You’ll do great! Take care of yourself. I can’t wait to see her when you get home!!!! *hugs*

🙂 hehe That’s cute.

May 10, 2004

*sniffles* Happy Mother’s Day!! You’re almost there… or I should say Autumn’s almost here! =) I’m so excited for you!

May 10, 2004

Wondering what is going on….you havent posted today..Hmmm…

May 10, 2004

Yes, I too have noticed you haven’t posted today… I’m thinking things are happening? Can’t wait to hear all about it! 🙂

May 11, 2004

Happy Mommy’s Day to you too!!

May 12, 2004

Gah that made me cry 🙂 Happy (belated) Mother’s Day to you as well 🙂 ~ajaye