That’s very Unusual..

I woke up at a good time…went to sleep at a good time. It’s been an interesting previous night. The front door opened by itself, then Mrs. Smith shuffling her feet around in the morning, then waking up around 8:30am, and then we both had cereal together. I worked on the computer for a few minutes then I suggested we go get some rest. She must have needed that rest because she slept for at least 4 hours. It was nice! I was watching The Voice reruns…contemplating if I am going to try out this year or not.

It’s a peculiar show. You see people who are extremely talented and then you see people who sound like they are at the karaoke bar. I believe that show is the battle of the amount of confidence you have, mixed with your own authentic look, and having a story that is touching(and A TRUE GIFT OF SINGING). I don’t have a sob story…thankfully.

its not like I can go on there and say my siblings never liked me, numerous people in power didn’t want to help me, and that I slave away working seven days a week to pay for my music career that no one helps me with….that sounds like complaining, doesn’t it?….

there was a teacher who made it on the voice…he didn’t do well at all…and there are a lot of young souls on that show, being 13 & 16 years old. They were exceptionally great…one of them said that when she sings: mouths usually drop to the floor….immaculate confidence.

if I were to be on the show, I’d pick the first chair that turns…plain and simple. I want the first person who believes in me. I just checked…auditions begin in September. That’s good timing because I have a college film I’m in that film in August. So, I’ll start taking vocal lessons in August and prep for the auditions.

I already know I’m going to do a video submission.  I’m going to sing: stars by Grace potter or Mine again by Mariah Carey…any other song suggestions? I’m open to taking any…


I also noticed songs with soft angelic voices tend to get a 4 chair turnaround. But of course, I’d be happy with just one chair turn. I’m curious if there has ever been a winner of the show that started with a one chair turnaround.

anyways, I’m in bed with 90 year old Mrs. Smith. She asked me my name about an hour ago…I guess her nap was so long she forgot my name. I asked for her autograph earlier…I love her full name. It’s a boys name.

anyways, we are in bed watching The Voice. The more and more I watch the show, I think to myself that maybe I can do this. I don’t like how no one made it tho. If you were to look up, whistle note on The Voice, you’ll see an artist who can truly sing…she was on the voice a year or two ago…there was also a 16 year old who yodels …BOTH ARE STILL TRYNA DO MUSIC….they have 80k plus followers and STILL no one knows who they are….

now some might be thinking, WHO CARES ABOUT BEING FAMOUS…my response to them is: that’s like someone studying to be an astronaut and never getting to ride a rocket…you want to reach space folks…not just practice it from the comfort of your surroundings.

I want to go all the way like Taylor Swift…I want the prince to bring his kids to MY CONCERT…better yet – I want Kate & William to leave the kids at home and come out on a date to my show…THATS WHAT I WANT.

it’s about leaving a legacy, opening doors for others, putting out a message of hope…yes, I can do this on TikTok live but that’s not enough for me.

anyways, I better go prepare dinner for Mrs. Smith. Thank you for reading…


Dear God, improve my voice. Let me hit the whistle note with ease too. Let me have the confidence of Tom Brady on the football field. Let me stay forever hopeful and have impeccable faith in myself. Carve out my storyline to be one for the books. Amen

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June 22, 2024

The reason for my title is because I commiserated with Mrs. Smith on all the people I asked for help and denied any assistance…and Mrs Smith’s response: “THATS UNUSUAL”