13 min

I am in an Uber heading back to the airport. The ride is 13 min so I figured I would write an entry and tell you guys about my audition.

when I got there, the casting director was shocked to see me. She said: “oh! Your agent never confirmed your arrival but I’ll be happy to let you still audition.”

she gave me a new scene to read. It was full of paragraphs of me talking to my attorney on the phone. The scenario was finding out my ex wanting full custody of my child.

given that I was doing this audition with no knowledge of the characters history…I learned in that moment that I’ll be having an ex and child. I liked the role even more….because that meant I wasn’t married and would have to fake a marriage on the television screen. It also meant that I dont have to play opposite another male actor all the time on set! Even better! I would hate to have a husband in the series and have to deal with his butt every time I come to set!

I love the idea that I would have a kid! I love children…and since I don’t have any of my own…I get to experience motherhood through this character for however long to come(if I get the role).

in the room were three people. Two women and the male director. I liked the setting already…not intimidating whatsoever. The director was a male in his 40s…I think everyone was in their 40s.

i did the first scene three times and the second scene twice. Each time the director gave me directions such as: “give her range but not make her too filled with rage”, “make sure you are confused when she says this”, “make sure to support your long term friend like her rock”….. I believe that took all the direction very well.

when I was done, I said: “thank you for your time” & walked out. I feel good about this one but I don’t want to jinx it.

I been eating a lot ….today I bought $7 fries and a $7 latte. I also had a sandwich …not so bad I guess. I am going to limit how much I eat for the rest of the day. I believe my stomach was poking out during my audition but I hope it wasn’t too noticeable. It’s time for me to work on having a flat belly when I return to my hometown.

i think I’m going to take my gym time more serious. I learned from a private session that I need to focus more on strengthening than cardio…which means more light weights.

it says that I will get to the airport at 1:37pm…my flight boards at 3:12pm….so I believe that’s good timing.

I gotta go now…getting out of Uber.

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