The universe is slimy, we assert


OK; so we like to amuse ourselves with cosmological and fanciful stories that MIGHT be true, you know?

See, no one REALLY knows, and the QFT says that we can figure it out but only in retrospect, so we need a system that can handle multiple probabilities in a way that is functionally equivalent to acting like it is the truth but not ever fully committing to it.  Because Feynmann said it is more interesting to live under confusion of not knowing than committing to theory that might be wrong.

First, fungi are the intelligence on this planet.  They turned rocks into dirt, but they learned that from Mother Ocean, we think, they would have sen her seep and freeze and crack we surmise, and thus they learned to propel themselves just so.

Anywho, it is a fact that Life is a series of expansions and contractions.  This periodicity is everywhere, and we only think it is in some of the dimensions but really it is everywhere.  As Terrance said, Life is self-similar at scale.  When we noticed this at kids and adults told us we had a great imagination, some of us forgot.  Some of us remembered.

So, we revisit the idea that the universe does look like us.  We, this whole universe, might be a minor molecule in the foreskin of an alien giant.  We don’t know.  But how would we act if it were true, is the interesting thing to ask…

Fungus is Life.  The Slime Mold expands, consumes, transmits, and mobilizes.  In the proper time lapse, it seems more alive than a human watching TV in the same time lapse, yes?

The universe expands, collates all the data it finds, transmits and collates and contracts and compresses the data, as it learns, into smaller chunks.  More complexity means more information in a smaller chunk,  A picture is a thousand words how many is a movie?

Like the slime mold, the universe then begins to contract, to consider, to collate, until it is another singularity which it remains until it gets lonely enough to again commit to the split so much it forgets there is no separation, and then when it is convinced it is many, it can learn again

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February 7, 2022

Do you want someone to talk to? Or do you prefer to go on, talking into the void?


February 8, 2022

@novilight Both!  What do you wish to share?  Well met, and may you never thirst.

February 8, 2022

@cygnusx-1  I look forward to getting to know you.