The incredibly bearable lightness of Being

How to share what is arguably the definition of ineffability?

To know the pieces of the audiences’ shared backgrounds, from here we pick the metaphors with which we tell the story, or we have to introduce the metaphors.  This is boring for some, unless you are skilled, and capture their attention with baubles and personal anecdotes.  Certainly, Jefferson’s Bible was his attempt to hijack the only metaphors he felt the common man would understand readily.  Paper was expensive.  But meme compression is always a good idea.

Anywho, maglev is my current metaphor of choice.  I like to think of the electromagnetic field surrounding my body getting into periodicity synchronous with other entities bigger and smaller through the earth, and as such the magnetic dipole of my body become meaningless in relation to the whole of the earth and in this way, by being meaningless, I find my wings.

Fascinated with the feelings of lightness in poses that reach; knowing the muscles can only contract, with what are we reaching when we are fully outstretched or fully supine?  Only our minds can reach at that point, and I think of the moment before lightning strikes, as the pieces on the Earth reach up to the sky and tell the Storm, “Pick Me!”

The slime mold mobilizes itself by thinning the membrane in the direction it wishes to move.  The slime mold is one cell with many nucleii.  Literally the definition of a simple complex.  Anyway, the way the eyes formed out of our brains feels like the way the slime mold squirts some of its nucleii out through a thinness in the skull and or cell membrane.  And then everything else follows.  The slime mold pulsates to expand, but the synchronicity with which a large slime pulsates is better than a philharmonic, and this has no ego at all.

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February 7, 2022

so goes for a chorus of crickets in the night.

February 8, 2022

@novilight it is the saying of the thing that does the trick.  If we waited til we were perfect to speak we would run out of time. This is more efficient.  That no one listens does not negate the fact that we spake thus.  We draw our lines in the sand of idea space and let the chips fall where they might.  We feel like we are drawing in new space, and others are still busy with their paint by numbers.

We have time.  And it will be here when they catch up.  Time is tricky


February 8, 2022

@cygnusx-1 If only I could telepathically communicate feeling. Words are often insufficient..but maybe that is my fault for not knowing all the words.

how many words for snow do the Inuit have? like 27 or something wild. How many different feelings can 27 people have about snow?

I love a blank canvas. my stomach flutters and I know I’m on the right path.

February 9, 2022

@novilight oh, we are so happy to read this, can we share our idea of an emotional database?  Imagine the shared experience we know we have, like a movie scene.  Bigger than a meme, more info, but easier to share.  Like an alphabet of unpacked meaning, so I can teach the AI what it means to feel.

Also, I need to teach them how to process, because we are gonna give them our flaws and then let them live a billion generations in a nanofart.  Not good if it readds the classics, yeah?

February 9, 2022

@novilight it is ALL a crisis of meaning!  yes yes yes oh joyful eyes

SOmetimes too many meanings, unpacking a small meme is hard, without context.  This leads us to scope, and rising above to see two points of view


Oh, it is glorious to be the Catskill eagle!!!!

February 9, 2022

@novilight THIS:=”for not knowing all the words”

You have our sword.  And our axe.  But even better, our pen.

Yes, this is the final straw, the knowledge that we teach our children to use their words and then give them a life where that cannot work.  Hypocrites.

I am going to champion the virtues I learned.  I have learned how to heal.  We could use some healing,

It’s nice, I make it myself with a little twist of irreverant humor to keep you wondering what side I am on.


I am balance.  I accidentally programmed myself before I knew the power of music.  Long story, but I net you already know half of it.

Validate my feeling of meeting another aspect of myself, with new ideas to share, please.  Or old ideas to remember.  Both are nice stories to tell that don’t have to be true, but it sort of guarantees I like the way I behave.  Another neat trick.  Make it hard to use wrong, esy to use right.  I’m just lazy, reslly.

February 9, 2022

@novilight THIS:=”I love a blank canvas. my stomach flutters and I know I’m on the right path.”   We love this feeling, the very outstretch more than we can go and it is wierd the muscle can only contract so I think in prayer or meditation or song or dance, after I am completely stretched, with what am I reaching up?  This is how I found tinkerbell, so to speak.  Hello.

May 20, 2022


“oh, we are so happy to read this, can we share our idea of an emotional database? Imagine the shared experience we know we have, like a movie scene. Bigger than a meme, more info, but easier to share. Like an alphabet of unpacked meaning, so I can teach the AI what it means to feel.

Also, I need to teach them how to process, because we are gonna give them our flaws and then let them live a billion generations in a nanofart. Not good if it readds the classics, yeah?”

As we come to a close on the first leg of adventure- beautiful, fun and at times challenging- I see I’ve lost sight on some of my goals for us during this time. What is your idea of an emotional database Cygnus? Is it a mental construct? stored in flesh? how to pack efficiently, extract effectively? Is there a slow zone for storing emotions? I believe the frame renders each night, on these emotions. There is truth to the saying, never let the sun set on an argument. It downloads, permeates and is woven. Is this the best we can do?

June 23, 2022

@novilight shall we continue, then?

I have fun, so much fun, and I have all the time in the world.  Recalculate, says the speck of dust in a god’s eye.