Is this thing on?

I used to have access to the raw HTML so I could format off site, use my css, paste it in and make it work but now I can’t even seem to set the fucking default font in this thing.

What rights are the users supposed to have when it comes to controlling the ascetic nature of their content?  I have a free diary and a paid diary.  Both have limited capabilities.  Do you have a suggestion box or system of taking recommendations or improvement ideas (not mere bitches or complaints but ideas to fix)?

When I wrote here to demilitarize my mental zone after retirement, this was a global site, and I talked to people all over the world.  Now I talk to people who think the internet is in America, because there is no other place represented here.  That kind of sucks, or is it because we are all assholes and so the rest of the world left us to deal with our shit?

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January 26, 2022

“It seems a lifetime since we met outside St. Mary’s.

This great undertaking for God and country has landed us somewhere where Jack London called those terrible Solomon’s.  It is a garden of eden. The jungle has both beauty and danger at its depth, the most terrible of which is man.  We have met the enemy and have learned nothing more about him.  I have, however, learned some things about myself.  There are things men can do to one and other that are sobering to the soul.  It is one thing to reconcile these things with God, but another to square it with yourself.”

January 26, 2022

As you’ve probably seen this site is very basic. I think that’s part of its charm? If you were here before it disappeared, that was long before my time. I could see your frustrations if you were able to make your entries pretty before.

I know Blogger allows CSS/HTML. Maybe create over there and link to your diary entries here? I’d love to see what you come up with. I do enjoy some pretty some pretty layouts and would love to see yours 🙂

January 26, 2022

@queengloom that was a delightful response!  Thank you so much!

How do you do that?  I mean it seemed effortless, what you did there.  I was all bitchy even if I was trying to be sly about it but I felt bitchy writing and knowing it didn’t really matter but it mattered because I let it.

Thank you.

January 26, 2022

@queengloom truthfully, though, I don’t mind the basics; it is nice enough and functional for a diary.  BUT…  I have a preference in the font and such, that is pretty basic, and it would please us for some things to persist.  So many others do which we wish would fade away.  But still, and again, and thus always, thank you

January 26, 2022

@cygnusx-1 Thank you for such kind regard in return!

I find that this is a wonderful place to express the good stuff but also our frustrations or letdowns… big or small. I enjoy listening to people (or technically reading what is written on here)  and if I have the opportunity to share what would make me feel better if I were standing in their shoes or my own experiences, I certainly try. I enjoy being able to receive the same type of kindness.

I too would love to be able to at least change my font. I would have something a little bit more fun for a font!

Also, I saw this post as a desire for you to express yourself through a form of art and I really love art so I had to pop in and give you some support 🙂 Expression is important and it’s valid to be frustrated if you can’t do it.

January 26, 2022

@queengloom you know, I have worn the hat and walked the Path of the (I’m just gonna call it the Way, since agism, yo)  long ago in space and time, but I left it in search of deeper meaning because they clung to comfort, the bunnies I called them fluffie bunny pagans and it didn’t resonate with me, and I didn’t try to understand.  I do now, but still believe that the Truth is only found sometimes by burningour eyes out no matter how bright the fire of our inner landscape we must understand; to turn away is the deepest cowardice to a monk like us, but who wants to go through the eye of a needle anyway?

January 26, 2022

@queengloom THIS:=” I enjoy listening to people (or technically reading what is written on here) and if I have the opportunity to share what would make me feel better if I were standing in their shoes or my own experiences, I certainly try. I enjoy being able to receive the same type of kindness.”

I recently started the fourth quarter, the way I count, and finally got dogs, and I am not sure I would have understood what you mean here until I had them.

We were fathers, but we were soldiers, and so did not fill the role of nurterer often.  In fact, we many of us dealt with the whole wait til your father comes home thing, whether in malice or negligence or exasperation it matters not to the dad who sees fear in their kids eyes, and then to know the horror he just did, and to thnk it is because they know you did that they now fear you.  fuck, that was new.  Thank you, midwife new friend

January 26, 2022


if you don’t know, psychic excavation is my jam and I have gotten really good at it as a background process and as long as I keep writing these nuggets just keep blasting out my mouth like a hopefully scentless colon cleanse.  I write, the voiceless are given voice, integrated, and we celebrate.  It works, it is repeatable, and I am trying to explain it to help others.  Thanks for creating a new node of communication.  This is so invigorating

January 26, 2022

I remember back 20 years ago I was able to do those things here, I thought maybe I was just extra stupid now and couldn’t figure it out 😒

January 26, 2022

@boring hahaha; well, let us not jump the gun, I am not willing to testify in a court of law that I am not now too stupid to figure it out.  The world has moved on and I lost touch with the tech used on this end.  The extra security in not using a bunch of plugins, though, is appreciated, dearly.  Those are where the bad code is.  WordPress is a solid bit of script, even if old as dust.  Plugins are made by ameteurs.

January 26, 2022

@cygnusx-1 I swear sometimes I think every day we all get stupider but you’re right; we shouldn’t admit that. I’ve never used WordPress but I remember back when everyone was customizing their MySpace and od pages 😂

January 26, 2022

@boring we don’t think it in terms of stupid or not stupid but in terms of practiced or not practiced.  This allows us to fail with grace and try again if we decide it was important.

But, we lose what we do not use, and if it were possible to not use the entirity of our mind, then we would indeed be stupid.  And we would have worked so hard at it, yeah?

I always thought it was easier beause it was funner to ask what the fuck all the time