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How did that company survive the “liver years”?

August 13, 2005


August 13, 2005

not sure if the feeling in my belly is laughter or the need to vomit. ::shudders::

August 13, 2005

Sick, sick sick!

i,ll stick to fat foods and so i will not like fish or liver

August 13, 2005


August 13, 2005

These are so nasty

Oh my goodness. That stuff looks horrible. Blah! Smooches…

August 13, 2005

ick, ick, ick.

August 13, 2005

Oh my goodness! Those are just so precious. What the hell kind of melon were they using in that mousse? The rotten kind? Seriously… I expect liver to be nasty, and fish balls just make me think of sketchy Hong Kong food, but melon? and mousse? individually, not so bad. even together, quirky, perhaps… but that… that’s just scary.–

August 13, 2005

yeah, i’d die a fatass.

August 13, 2005

MMm! Mackerel pudding! Thanks, Mom!

August 13, 2005

Those are disgusting…no wonder people lose weight with those in their diet. My husband would leave me if I tried serving any of them…and I’m pretty sure the dog would pack up and go too.

August 14, 2005

HAHa, I have a few WW mags from the 70’s, pretty scary stuff. Some of that looks like some of the food called “Meze” here, soon I will turn into a watermelon with green beans for arms and legs!

August 14, 2005

Fish balls???? and fluffy stuff ewwww. Makes me not want to eat at all!!! Maybe the thought was to make food disgusting and people wouldn’t eat as much and lose weight? Ughhh I’m glad that phase is over with.

OK – That’s just wrong.

August 15, 2005

I’d rather take one heart attack to go please, thanks. Melon Mousse? That’s just nasty.

August 15, 2005

I think I’m going to be ill……

August 15, 2005

Oh, now…really? LOL These three words: Snappy, Mackeral and Casserole don’t even belong together!

August 15, 2005

I’m sorry you’re going to miss it too! Of course Cassie is asking who her Diva aunties are, and do they REALLY exist. 😛 I’m mean; that’s what I do best. 🙂 PS: send me the link to that pink pedal. Are you really up for it? I’m riding to train for it.

August 15, 2005

haha…i love that website. I shared it with my ww coworkers a couple months ago, and most of them thought it was hilarious…those without a sense of humor just didn’t get it.

oh my god that’s just wrong! ryn: IN MY CANDY DISH! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU KILL ME!

August 18, 2005

Random…This was SO funny man if you watch MTV’s 70’s house all the nasty mac and cheese, bolognia with pimento,canned oranges and nasty tv dinners look just as bad. My sister and mom used to go on ww in the early 80s and I remember cans of dried crap that I wouldnt eat even if there was nothing in the house. Gimmie mac & cheese with weiners cut up any day.