You know…

…it’s going to be a crazy day when a psycho schnauzer storms into your bedroom, grabs a bra and takes off. Ok, so the bra shouldn’t have been on the floor…but it was dirty…and where else do dirty clothes go? haha

So…March is here! I’m ready for Spring (which lasts approximately 27 days in Texas). 3.5 months until the Danskin Tri. I am scared! As most of you remember, I participated in the 2003 event…but that was a relay thing. I’m doing the whole shebang this year as a solo artist. Ugh…I’m not like Beyonce. I need my tri diva sistahs!

Ok…March Focus is mainly run/cycle sessions…and it includes 5 swim days. Next month, I’ll put cycling on the back burner to spend more time in the pool. I’m not concerned with the bike portion. It’s 12 miles of ridiculous hills, but nothing I can’t handle. Open.Water.Swim. *cues Jaws soundtrack*

Well, it’s time to make my big ol’ 8 minute commute to work.

Hope you all have a great hump day!


P.S. for the product junkies: please discover the World of Lush.

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March 2, 2005

I’m sure you are going to do great… even in the Open. Water. Swim. You are a diva! I’ll be cheering you on. (from dry land.. miles and miles and miles away) Ha!

March 2, 2005

haha, my commute…on the radio this morning from the time I left my house until I parked in the parking lot, I heard one commercial and one song. I love it!

March 2, 2005

whoooo hoooo, there is one in santa monica. I’ll be there on Thursday.

March 2, 2005

8 minutes?!? Huh! I wish, it took me 2 hours to get home last night in a friggin snow storm! You’ll do great in the triathlon! Pass some of your athletic genes over here!

March 2, 2005

What are your favorite LUSH products?

You are so lucky it takes you 8 minutes to get to work. It took me an hour today.

March 2, 2005

I am scared of open water swimming as well, good luck!

March 2, 2005

Sounds like you are doing great hon.

March 2, 2005

They have Lush in the US now??? My friend brought me back a whole bunch of stuff from London…mmmm…..

March 2, 2005

Oh, no. Don’t start on LUSH. It’s too wonderful! :)–

March 2, 2005


Gone head Beyonce!! Do your solo act! Smooches…

March 2, 2005

Good for you for challenging yourself! you KNOW you can do it. 8 minute commute, hm? I live 12 miles from work and my commute takes me a little less than 15 minutes. One of the joys of living in unpopulated Montana–that and the fact that that I can easily go 80+ on the freeway into town….lol! Linette

March 2, 2005

the world of lush has always been my favorite!! 🙂 take care hun 🙂

March 2, 2005

An 8 minute commute is great, isn’t it? That’s usually how long it takes me in the morning. It just all depends if I really want to be at work or not. If I don’t really feel like going in, I’ll do under the speed limit that way it takes me A LOT longer. LOL

March 2, 2005

Now I’m wondering what psycho schnauzer DID to the bra.

March 2, 2005

RYN: Hello! 🙂

March 2, 2005

RYNs: hrm, october. i think if i maintain my cycling workout, i could pull off october. will have to see closer to event time. job status and what not being what it is. — heehee, i’m like SO funny! ::rolling eyes:: apparently, i move from TX and become ultra girly / sorority girly. it’s almost frightening. lol.

March 3, 2005

RYN: Have you gone to the website yet? It sort of ruins it, because it shows the 14 girls that make it, and unfortunately, Crazy Girl No-Neck (our nickname for the wrestler) makes it. You know, there’s actually a famous model that looks like her, I just can’t remember her name. I’m crazy about Brita and the chick from Compton, but I can’t remember her name either.

You are such an inspiration and I know you’ll do great with that attitude. I’m shooting for a 5k walk this spring. I hope next year to run in it! Thanks for sharing your story.

You’ll do great, we’ll be here cheering you on. When it gets tough, just remember this. I dont know what time it was but the first time I saw the Danskin Triathalon site, I thought it said “Drunken”… Take care 🙂

Lush looks wonderful, thanks for the link 🙂