
Last night was the 1st Annual Vin Stalker Fest and it was very interesting. We arrived at the theater almost an hour before the movie…and still ran the risk of our time slot selling out. It was crazy…I think xXx was the only movie selling tickets last night (maybe a few folks for the disappointing Signs flick).

Once inside, we had to wait in a ridiculous line for our showing. I was worried about us not being able to sit together. The last time I went in a large group, we ended up with 9 people in 8 seats. Not cool…

What social event would be complete without drama? While waiting in line, a group of snotty high school brats decided to cut in line. TheLass handled them in true DIVA fashion. LOL Although after the kiddies responsed with throwing candy, I thought we would become the Lew Starrett Divas (Starrett is the big bad jail in big bad Dallas for the out-of-town folks). Can you imagine the 7 ladies going to jail for fighting at the movie theater? For shame…

Anyway, after seeing an annoying number of previews and that damn M&M commercial (who cares that deep down they’re all chocolate inside???), the lovefest began. The special effects were great…plot was a bit soft (to be expected)…and Vin was beyond fine. Lots of eye candy shots. Chesty has decided to add a Vin video section to her stalker-esque Nicholas Cage collection. Not that I’m complaining…

No major plans for today. Mom received a $50 Lane Bryant gift certificate (enough to buy a sock), so we’re heading to the mall. Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.


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Happy sock shopping! So tell us, honestly, how many times do you plan on going back to see xXx? 🙂

Lol that is about enough to buy a sock!! I hate their prices!!!