WW Week 7 Weigh-in

Hey Lovelies!

Start Weight: 298.4
Current Weight: 286
Total Lost since 1/4/12: 12.4 lbs

Down 2.6 lbs this week! My nutrition was on point this week (with the exception of the saki-rita I had on date nate…don’t judge me, it was FREE lol). The big change for the week was my workouts. I did 4 hours of cardio and it definitely paid off. The fact that the scale responded tells me it’s time to kick my workouts up a notch. I also need to start seriously weight training in order to burn more fat…and to try to help this skin snap back after being mistreated over the years. 

In other news, my little pinched nerve issue has turned into a bigger problem. I went to the doctor today (after allowing it to throb all freaking night). He gave me an anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxer AND a pain pill. WTH? I do not take pills like that! I have a love affair with my chiropractor simply because I despise pain medicine…but Coco is hurting today. LOL I am only taking the anti-inflammatory during the day (to prevent drooling at my desk). The heavy stuff will be saved for the evening. No spin class for me this week…just walking or light swimming. Blah! I am hoping to be feeling brand new by the weekend…we shall see.

Is anyone watching The Biggest Loser this season? I am so sick of the drama! I hate that Daphne allowed herself to get caught up in it, but I think she’ll do much better at home. The ranch is toxic this season. Conda makes my BP go up every time I see her smug face on the screen. I know ratings are important, but I hate that my inspirational show has now turned into the run of the mill reality show trash.

Hope everyone is having a great week. Oh…as for Lent, instead of giving up a particular item, I am going to focus on treating myself well during this time. Body, mind and soul. Nutrition, physical activity, adequate sleep and prayer. How could I go wrong with that?

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February 22, 2012

Ya know, i’m so glad i’m NOT alone, where BL is concered!!! Honestly, i was very sad and wanted to tear up at the way Daphne and her bro were trearted, i do feel however she could have been a tiny bit nicer, but no way deserved how she[and her bro] were treated!!! I knew she would go home, but was really hoping she didn’t!!! That Conda chick makes me sick…wonder who she will pick on now…lol<br> Thats so great on weight loss!!!!! [hugs]

February 22, 2012

Girl…. I stopped watching a few years ago! Great job this week! as far as that pinched nerve goes… ouch! Hope you are feeling better soon.

Congrats on the weight loss! You keep me inspired. (I used to go by MelonCholera, by the way.) I have also seen better results with the 4 hour cardio benchmark over the years, but always seem to want to find a way out of it. Bah! I’m challenging myself to run on my treadmill 45 out of 60 days. Today is 5 of 8, I hope I am on track!

Great job, C! You’re doin’ it, girl! I had no idea you were back to blogging again. I’ve all but abandoned my poor little weight loss and fitness blog lately, but I’ll be posting again soon, hopefully starting tomorrow. Oh, and as for TBL, you already know how I feel about that! Congrats on the losses, girly! Looking forward to seeing many, many more. Lynne http://balance.urbanmasala.net

February 23, 2012

Did you hear about the walk out?? Apparently the contestants all walked off the ranch after learning about some big twist this season. I am not pleased with how much drama there is. I don’t feel inspired while watching. These people seem more fixated on game play than on changing their lives!

February 23, 2012

wooohooo on the -2.6. you freakin rawk chick! LOVE you resolution for Lent, sounds much better than just giving up a food item 🙂

February 23, 2012

Congratulations on the loss this week! 🙂

I couldn’t agree more about The Biggest Loser! I don’t even know why I continue to watch. Congrats on an awesome weigh in!!