WW Week 6 Weigh-in

Hello Lovelies!

Start Weight: 298.4
Current Weight: 288.6
Total Lost since 1/4/12: 9.8 lbs

Down 1 lb this week. I can’t really complain because I was sick most of the time and didn’t get my usual workouts in (the only time I moved my butt was for The Hot Chocolate Race on Saturday…and that only happened because I paid for it and hate wasting money!). Nutrition-wise, I had copious amounts of soup and bread. I felt like caca on a stick…and honey badger don’t give a damn. LOL

Anyway, things are moving slooooowly, but I’d rather lose slowly than gain. *silver lining queen*

My goals for the new week:

-Gym 4x…I am feeling much better, so it’s back to the grind. 
-Clean up diet (more fruit/veggies…less uhh, yeast)
-H2O…still needs works, but I am aiming for 96oz daily. 
-Have FUN at The Color Run…if I don’t end up looking like these people at the end, I will be pissed!

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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February 15, 2012

Ten pounds in one month is a great loss! Congratulations.

That. looks. AWESOME. I’m going to see if I can make that race happen for me this year! 😉

February 16, 2012

slow and steady wins the race (both weight loss and color run 😉 I’m so excited and can’t wait to be a colored mess!!!!

February 17, 2012

That looks like so much fun!