WW Week 3 Weigh-in

Hello Lovelies!

I am so proud of myself! I’ve kept my promise of checking in here weekly. 3 weeks down…forever to go. LOL

Start Weight: 298.4
Current Weight: 290.6
Total Lost since 1/4/12: 7.8 lbs

Ok, so I missed my goal of losing 2 lbs this week, but no complaints here. I survived a challenging food week. Ken and I celebrated our 2nd anniversary (hooray!) on Saturday evening and that involved yummy food and spirits. The following day, we took his mom out for a belated birthday lunch. I didn’t go crazy with the food choices, but I enjoyed myself. Workouts are back to normal and I’m sleeping better at night. Coincidence? Me thinks no!

Goals for Week 4
-Survive The Big D Climb…52 flights of stairs. I’m going to take it slow and steady. I have a birthday dinner/private karaoke party to attend later that night. Good thing it doesn’t require much physical exertion to sit on your butt and sing horrible pop tunes. 
-Eat clean! The birthday dinner is the only food hurdle for this upcoming week and luckily Via Real has a few things that I can tweak and make diet friendly.
-Gym 4x
-Lose 2.2 lbs (I *really* want my 10 lb star…it’s the little things!)

Hope you’re having a fabulous week!

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January 25, 2012

Happy Anniversary!!!

January 25, 2012

You are rockin it! Happy anniversary to you and K!

January 25, 2012

Amazing, two years!!!!!! Congrats. Whoo hooo for overcoming a challenging week, and you SHALL have that ten pound star!