WW Week 1 Weigh-in

As promised, I’m here with a weekly report!

Previous weight: 298.4
Current weight: 293.6

Down 4.8 lbs and I am a fat, happy camper! I cleaned up my eating a few days prior to my "reset" with WW, so I’d like to think the water loss in this result is minimal. At this point, I don’t care as long as the bitch scale is doing what I want it to. How is that for rational thinking? LOL

It is amazing what the reset did for my mindset. I managed 4 workouts this week…two of them required me to get up at 4:45am. Yes, I know people do this on a regular basis, but I am usually in a murderous rage before 6am. Work has been pure chaos and it really helped to get those gym trips accomplished early vs. avoiding them in the evening due to fried brain and a general disgust from corporate America. *smiling sweetly*

Goals for Week 2

-Increase H2O (my water consumption suffers in the winter time and that’s unacceptable)
-Gym 4x (I am working my way back to 5…baby steps)
-Lose 2 lbs

Potential challenge: I am attending a travel industry event at the new Cowboys stadium on Tuesday. Note: I could care less about the Cowboys, but the stadium is a masterpiece! Anyway, the airline host is notorious for going overboard in the food/beverage offerings. The last event had an international food theme, so there were lots of cuisines to choose from. I am thinking that my previous choice of Greek lamb chop, paella, pad thai and tempura shrimp…washed down with a rum & coke that was the color of a band-aid will need to be "edited" LOL. My plan is to work out that morning, keep breakfast/lunch light and enjoy dinner without going overboard.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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January 11, 2012

Great job!!!!!! WootWoot!!!

January 11, 2012

Great job! Have so much fun at the event!

January 11, 2012

Awesom job! Keep up the good work! ~~QP

January 11, 2012

I don’t drink nearly enough water in the winter either…

Awesome weigh in!! Great job!

January 12, 2012

Well done, I need to improve my hydration as well especially on gym days!

January 13, 2012

Good job! Great loss. 🙂