
Ok…I officially suck at updating this diary. The comforting thing is knowing that most of you do too. LOL Where are the updates, folks?!? Anyway, here’s the latest in the Coco Chronicles…you’ll finally be able to sleep tonight!

Things are going well. One of our offices has been offering a ridiculous amount of OT, so I’ve been making extra $ lately. I need new tires and wanted to buy them without breaking the bank or charging up a credit card. Mission accomplished. My next goal is to start paying down cc debt and saving for a tummy tuck. Fun times…

A fellow travel agent is putting together a couples’ trip to PR late 2010/early 2011. I went to San Juan for a short time, but looking forward to spending a real vacation there. I’d still like to return to Aruba next year. I need more time on the little island! FYI, a friend of mine is going to the Bahamas soon and needs some touristy recommendations. If you’ve been, please leave me a note. Thaaaaaaanks.

Yes, I’m still 1/2 of a couple. Yeah, I can’t believe it either. Who knew that someone could melt my cold, Cruella heart? Gross…I’m going to make myself sick. LOL In all seriousness, I’m thoroughly enjoying myself and it’s nice to be in a healthy situation. I wish people would stop asking me when I’m going to get married and spawn, though. Really, folks. Until I can keep a plant alive, I probably should not have a real human baby.


Don’t really want to discuss it at the moment. Great week followed by a flying leap off the wagon. I’m still losing, but it’s nothing to write home about. I’m hoping adding some things to the ol’ race calendar will bring the fire back. Oy…it’s almost July and I’ve only done 2 cycling events and NO triathlons…EPIC FAIL.

Hair and things of that nature…
I suppose this is the biggest news I have at the moment. I’ve decided to transition away from chemical relaxers and embrace my natural hair texture (whatever the hell that might be LOL). I realize it will be a lot of work, but I will not miss the expensive salon bill, the tortured scalp and the smell of burning hair. My goal is to transition for 3-4 months and do the BC (big chop…i.e. cutting off the relaxed hair) in August/September. I’m not afraid of rocking a TWA (teeny weeny afro), so bring it! Why the change? I’ve toyed around with the idea for years and it’s time. Realizing that 40% of the girls in my little social circle are natural (and will offer plenty of support), discovering that my own stylist (i.e. the one I pay to administer the creamy crack) is transitioning herself and a scene in the Good Hair documentary all offered some extra encouragement. Again, my plan is to transition for a few months…however, it is already ridiculously hot in Texas, so I may just shave it off. Yeah, I have a fat face…no amount of hair is going to change that. LOL

Well, that’s it for me…what’s going on with YOU?!?

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June 23, 2010

Oh I think you will look super cute with a crown of natural curls! I know it’s a big step but so much better suited to your active lifestyle – plus you have the face to rock so many styles 🙂

June 23, 2010

Hooray! I am soooo excited about the half of a couple thing. Iknow, I know, big sap. BUt I am so blissfully happy with James, I want that for everyone. Cool about the hair–I have ridiculously frizzy/curly hair and it started going grey in my late teens. I have been dyeing it since my mid 20’s but would love to go natural myself. But it gets to a certain length and looks dreadful with the grey roots several inches long and I hate it, so I dye it again. It is long, about halfway down my back, and I look really awful with short hair so dunno what to do. Go to a desert island for a year or something I guess.

June 23, 2010

My friend (and bridesmaid!) Charleeka has a gorgeous TWA! I say go for it lady! Soo….when ya gonna get hitched and start birthin’?

June 23, 2010

Goodness, i remember how HOT it got in TX!!! Nice to see an entry from you:)

June 23, 2010

I’m sorry, do I know you? 🙂 just kidding. Glad to see an update! I wanna transition so bad but I’m afraid of the BC and the TWA….. gotta do something before my daughter notices the difference between her hair and mine 🙁

June 23, 2010

Having a goal to work towards and to keep one motivated it absolutely necessary. Go for it! I will not transition to my natural hair texture/color which is probably wirey and gray, lol. Glad you are having fun!

June 28, 2010

LOVE your updates. You can be gone for an entire month and just write an entry and I feel like I’m all caught up with you. Great things happening in your life; vey well deserved great things 🙂 eekkkk can’t wait to see your sporting the natural hair aka TWA.. lol

June 29, 2010

yay for the transitioning! Yay for the relationship, OT and the next couples trip. sounds like good news all around.

July 5, 2010

RYN: Thanks! I was just about to post an entry asking for new addresses. Send me the boyfs name too so I don’t have to call him “And Guest” the whole time. 🙂

go natural! you’ll love it and then a year later you’ll want a relaxer and get one and then 2 years later you’ll go natural again and wonder why you ever went back. So begin the journey now. This is one of the fun parts about having our hair / so many choices!

July 14, 2010

RYN: Thank you! Do you think it would be better to use a leisure agent versus doing it ourselves on budget travel websites?

Hey – Namesake!!!! Where have you been?? I am seriously missing my sarcastic dose of ‘Coco’!!!! I have followed you for almost nine years (since the days of the original Sisters on Weight Watchers website) and adore you. WHERE ARE YOU???? Miss ya! Courtney

August 11, 2010

Hope you’re doing ok!