
Hi Lovelies,

Down 1.2 lbs this week…that makes 5 lbs for my personal vacation challenge. The goal is to lose 40 lbs total by the time Chesty and I leave for our annual BFF vacation in August. I am right on track…let’s hope it continues!

I had a huge scare yesterday. I got a call yesterday morning that my mom had been rear ended on the way to work and was being taken to HEB hospital. I run out of work and hit the highway. I start approaching the hospital exit and get another call stating she is now being taken to Baylor Irving (which is about 20 miles in the opposite direction). I basically have a meltdown at that point…because I didn’t know my mom’s condition and just wanted to get THERE. I pull off onto the service road so I can park and map out the best route that involved the least amount of morning commute traffic. I look up and realize that I parked at a church. Thank you, LORD…it had a calming effect and I was ready to get back on the road. 

I finally get to my mom and thank you LORD again, she has no serious injuries. After examination and x-rays, they determined no broken bones…just a severe back sprain and whiplash. She was very fortunate because apparently the guy that hit her never touched his brakes (his own admission). He was blinded by the sun and didn’t realize that traffic had come to a stop due to construction. The speed limit on the street is 45, so no telling how fast he was going when he smashed into my mom. The police wrote him a ticket and made an official report, so hopefully I don’t have to do battle to get his insurance company to take care of her car.

Mom is in good spirits (feeling lucky, no doubt…could have been a lot worse). Her back is in a fair amount of pain. Unfortunately, she has existing back drama (she was born with some vertebrae issues), add in 2 natural childbirths (yeah…couldn’t be me…gimme the drugs!) and a couple of car accidents, this just added more to the heap. She is on pain and anti-inflammatory meds…and will visit the chiropractor soon. Let’s hope for a speedy recovery!

In other news, I took MY car to the insurance adjuster (aka HAIL MASTER after the crazy tornado/hail mess we had earlier in the month). My beloved SUV has $3012 worth of damage. My hood will have to be replaced (!) and the rest will be fixed up with traditional dent repair and paint. Thankfully, my responsibility is only $250. My office got hit hard! We had massive hail…photos don’t lie…

Ok…that’s all I have for today! Fort Worth Zoo Run on Saturday…the following week? I am getting muddy at the Survival Race…hooray!

Until next time,

site meter



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I’m so glad your mom is okay.

April 18, 2012

That’s some major ice, Diva! I’m so glad your mama is ok…and yay for a loss this week!

April 18, 2012

That’s a hail of a big chunk of ice. It’s that time of the year when you get blinded a lot on east-west roads. I hope the guy’s insurance takes care of your mom, too. Between his insurance and hers she deserves to get the best care anywhere with no deductibles or co-pays. You know, like happens in most other civilized countries in the 21st century.

Wow, that is some hail! Glad your mom is okay. Scary how quickly those things can happen.

April 18, 2012

So glad your mom is okay! You rock, as always…

April 18, 2012

I’m sorry to hear about your mom, but glad she is okay. Congrats on the loss this week! Wow that is HUGE hail!

April 22, 2012

Am so glad to hear she is ok!!

April 25, 2012

I am so glad your mom is ok! No sure how I missed this entry….That is some HUGE hail. Looking at the pic before I read it, I thought maybe it was one of those visuals of fake fat to show how much you lost. hehe.

April 26, 2012

Catching up on OD again. SO SORRY to hear about your mom but so thankful to the good Lord that she’s ok. btw, I got serious chills when you wrote about you parking in the church and how Jesus took the wheel. le sigh.. isn’t He amazing?