Winds of Change…

I know this will be a shock to some folks, but I have an announcement to make…

:::clearing throat:::

:::taking a shot of tequila for liquid courage:::

After much deliberation with a couple of close friends and family, I’ve decided to step away from the Weight Watchers program. *pausing to allow some of you to climb back into your computer chairs…* LOL

I’m a list-loving Virgo, so here are my reasons…

1. I haven’t been to an actual meeting for a long time. While I do miss my leader and the few veterans from the group, I found myself feeling obligated to attend. I know that sounds terrible, but I’m keeping it real. While I understand the amount of weight I’ve lost qualifies me as a WW shining star, I got tired of the constant spotlight. Yes…the "diva" just wanted to blend into the background some weeks.  I became a local weight loss celebrity at the meetings and it tarnished the support concept for me.

2. I don’t feel the program is created for "big losers"…by that I mean, people that have to lose/have lost 150+ lbs. Losing a significant amount of weight requires a major meeting commitment. Seriously…4+ years of your life. While there are quite a few Lifetime members that do attend meetings forever, a lot of them don’t. I’ve met several old Lifetimers that reached their goal weight and dropped out completely. Back to my original point, in order to benefit from meetings, the concept/material must stay fresh. WW struggles with it. Ask Lass or Jersey Girl. Once you’ve attended WW meetings for more than 2 years, everything is recycled. I’m convinced the program caters to people who have smaller amounts of weight to lose. Why shouldn’t they? The vast majority of WW members have less than 100 lbs to lose. Do I think they should cater to the minority? Of course not…that’s bad business. I do feel that SOMETHING should be done for the "big losers". Whether it be a special meeting or fresh program material.  Quite a few of them lose steam after 2 years and drop from the face of the Earth. It’s hard to commit to the losing aspect of this journey for a long time. Burn-out and I-Don’t-Give-A-Damn’s are par for the course.

3. Point Ranges. Ah…my old friends. In my opinion, the program isn’t really formulated for extremely active people. On the Winning Points plan, my suggested range is 22-27 points per day. Using the ol’ 50 calories=1 point unofficial formula, my approximate calorie range is 1100-1350. Ok…I burn over 600 calories in my spin class. My little hiking excursions? Over 700. Although WW suggests you use activity points, several members claimed they were discouraged to do any type of endurance training. My fitness life IS endurance training!  Needless to say, I had to create my own personal points range based on MY caloric needs/activity level.

So…where does that leave me? After speaking with my nutritionist friend, I’m equipped with calorie/fat/protein/carb recommendations for moi. She knows that I don’t take orders well, so I’m making my own food choices. I’ll be tracking nutrition/exercise stats at a nifty little site called

Will I ever go back to the WW program? Who knows…never say never, right? I don’t want to seem ungrateful about the program that basically saved my life. I’ve learned a lot over the years…but I have to do what’s best for me right now. I’m sorry if all of this is as clear as mud. It makes sense in my head…and that’s what matters, right?

Hope you all have a great weekend. I’m off to do some Christmas shopping.


P.S. I know some of y’all will want to know about my moniker. "WW Diva" is such a major part of my life, I’m not sure if I could part with it. I’ll see how I feel at the end of the month. The new year may bring all kinds of change…

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December 3, 2005

that’s a huge step for you, but ya know what? if you feel it’s right, then go for it! i agree with you about the ww program not catering to people with large amounts of weight to lose. that doesn’t make it a bad program… it’s just not suited for certain people. *hugs* best of luck to ya. oh, and i’d like to send ya a xmas card. can you give me your addy?

December 3, 2005

Don’t blame you chica…. Mom and I quit for pretty much the same reasons… We should start our own group!!!

You should be proud of yourself for recognizing this. You have “outgrown” the program with each pound you lost. You are a smart woman. You are CLEARLY active and you know what the smart food choices for you are. I think you’re actually going to do better now that the WW thing is hanging over your head. You can do anything. You are THE DIVA after all. 🙂 I love you.

December 3, 2005

your reasons sound absolutely clear and makes alot of sense. You’ll do fine! You already have this under control. Good luck diva…or Courtney….or umm I guess DivaC *hugs*

This is best for you. You have used their tools and that is what the program is for. To learn and grow. You have done that, now you do you. No explanation needed. We weren’t paying your fees or walking in your steps. Maybe you can partner with them and help them formulate a plan. If you get paid for this, I want some money. It was MY idea! Smooches…

December 3, 2005

You will forge ahead and create your own program…something better. I admire your courage.

December 3, 2005

Makes total sense – although the dramatic kick off had me anticipating and engagement announcement or something! : ) Good luck! You can just re-assign the WW – say…WILD WOMAN….or Workout Warrior…ok…you get the point…

December 3, 2005

*HUGS* I know this was a pretty tough decision, but I think you’re making the right one.

December 3, 2005

Sounds like you have thought this through. You need to do what is best for YOU.

First of all – Dont even think about changing the WWDiva. Its you…..and so what if you’re not doing WW anymore. You said it – 4 years and it saved your life! You will do great following your own plan. You have truly changed your life…so proud on you of your active lifestyle. I know what you mean about the WW Star…Despite the amount of pounds one has lost. Every day is just as hard as the nex

my keyboard F**ed (Above was me) 5 pounds or 200pds. Its all a struggle… (Jackie) xoxo

Wow- but you know? I think it *is* the right decision for you. The main focus of WW is to get you to change your lifestyle and ultimately the weight will come off. No one can argue that you have changed your life in many positive ways. Hopefully, that someone in WW reads your post and considers designing a maintenance program for 50+ losers. Lots of weight = special problems.

December 4, 2005

You know, my frien Linda H at Weight Watchers? I think she should read this post! I will gladly send my own version. In as much as I need to get back to meetings, I’m dreading the same ol’ thing, so I opt to use online services. And like someone else said, you’ve totally achieved the LIFESTYLE change.

December 4, 2005

wow…this is a big step and I think it’s great that you know you need it. YEAH!

December 4, 2005

you rock…it’s such a brave step.

December 4, 2005

You know what’s best for you ma’am…. I’m sure you will be fine!!

December 4, 2005

lol–ironically, I just rejoined after 16 years. I achieved lifetime back then, quit going, and now according to their scale have 100 lbs to lose… Linette

December 5, 2005

You can change it to SparkleDiva, right? Heh. I completely relate to you, especially #1 and then the fact that WW is not geared for the big losers. I know you are a real trooper and you will do what works for you and do what you and your body need! I support you 100%!

December 5, 2005

While I had good results with WW-I always felt that since I had to lose over 100 pounds that the WW plan wasn’t right for that. I also didn’t like how the point system didn’t really account for people who excersised more than 3 times weekly-which I need to lose any weight. Also the plan is hard to follow if you don’t like to cook. At least in my opinion.

December 5, 2005

You know what? You’ve done an awesome job thus far, and you’ve learned soooo much. You’re a healthy, fit person, I think change is good, especially if you think you need it, to keep up with your journey. You’re definitely not the same Courtney that you were 4 years ago, I know, I read your entire diary! Good luck, and God Bless!

Girl you know what is right for you, you have worked that program to death and I know you will be fine! Tontoy

December 6, 2005

That is so brave. You must have been thinking about this for a while. After reading your diary for years I have no doubt you have the determination to succeed. I must say I was surprised. Good luck.