What’s Going On?

Ok…y’all know that’s my favorite word…well, second only to f*ck. Sorry…too early for profanity. I hope Girl Scout Troop 718 isn’t reading this morning.

Life has been insanely busy since I returned from Mexico. I think 6 days on the beach turned me into a slug. I’m having to force myself to the gym and I’ve been staging a coup against  "the man" because I’m forced to follow a schedule again.  I took 2 naps everyday in PVR. *sigh*

Back to the Real World…I had 268 emails when I logged in on Tuesday morning. WTF? I was only gone a week! Work has been crazy busy due to the Katrina aftermath. My account happens to be a major oil company with refineries in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. So…my workload is slowly replacing Zen Courtney with Urban Combat Courtney (brass knuckles and poison darts sold separately).

On a more hopeful note, my office is doing quite a bit to help our friends from N’awlins. Tomorrow is our  bake sale/food drive. I know it sounds small and insignificant, but we always raise a few hundred dollars each time. My coworkers love to eat…and Red’s Mom makes a banana pudding that gets pre-orders.  All proceeds will go to the local United Way. I received an email from my contact at Irving Cares and they are pretty desperate right now. The organization fed 54 Katrina families yesterday…in addition to their usual clients. My office donated 1700 lbs of food a few months ago, so they know to call us for help.   Non-perishable items will be divided between the food pantry and apartment complex that is housing 35 survivors.

Next week we’ll be collecting pet supplies for Operation Kindness…a no-kill animal shelter in North Texas that’s received over 50 Louisiana pets in the last few days. Needless to say, we’re spreading the love around. It’s nice to see everyone pulling together. *warmfuzzy*


As some of you know, I’ve avoided peanut butter since age 3. I had a bit of the deadly goo back in the day and it almost closed my throat. A dramatic trip to the ER told the ugly truth: I had the (painfully unoriginal) peanut allergy. I have avoided PB for almost 25 years! Over 2 decades without a PB &J? LOL That’s a sin in this country.

Well…I like to test rules/restrictions. *pausing for you to recover from shock* The last few weeks I’ve been eating PB in small quantities and monitoring myself. Bentley & Braxton were prepared for any emergency (riiiiiiiiight). Everything has been fine…so it seems I’ve outgrown my allergy. I had my first PB &J and was immediately hooked. PB is the devil! Despite it being a "good fat", I have to limit myself to 2-3 tablespoons per week. The first couple of weeks into the Peanut Experiment, I was craving it big time. I thought I’d actually have to ease it into my diet. PLEASE…I was ready to "ease" myself into a vat…nekkid…with a big spoon.

A special tribute to my new lover (turn your volume down or you will get fired…)


Well, that’s it for now. I’ll write more later. The Charity Chick has work to do…


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September 8, 2005

Girl Scouts and peanut butter in one entry? That could only mean one thing…*starts singing* “Peanuuuut, Peanut Butter….Jelly!”

September 8, 2005

What a deprived child you were…no PB&J sandwiches growing up. I’m glad you’re able to eat them now..yummy! I need to send you a jar of my Daddy’s homemade jelly to really send you over the top.

September 8, 2005

you? you like to push the limits?? nah… i don’t believe it.

September 8, 2005

girl, you are so crazy!!!!!

September 8, 2005

You’re invited to my monthly Peanut Butter addicts annonymous meeting. Seriously…..two days ago I ran out and MADE my husband (or rather he volunteered for fear for his own life) go get me some at midnight…if I don’t have my PB toast in the morning it makes for a pretty ugly day. He came back with a “tub” as big as my head. The craving is strong with you.

September 8, 2005

You are absolutely correct; peanut butter is indeed the devil. Linette

September 8, 2005

LOL at the song…my kids really liked it.

September 8, 2005

i am feelin the love! 🙂 good for you and your company to do so much for so many in need! 🙂 u truly are a diva 🙂

September 8, 2005

PB is the devil. But it’s so damn good!!!! One of my favorite PMS combos is chocolate chips and peanut butter. You grab a handful of the chips (mini morsels work best) and a spoonful of PB and “coat” the PB with the chips. Then you lick off the chips and repeat until the PB is gone. *drooling Homer style*

September 8, 2005

omg, Peanut butter is one of my main food groups. lol. I’m glad you can enjoy it now!! 🙂

September 8, 2005

Missed ya!

September 8, 2005

Yeah, I can’t let myself have peanut butter because even though most programs recomment it as a healthy food they only want me to have like one or two tablespoons. 4 points or 5 for 2 tablespoons — I’d have to want it A LOT! But after a lifetime of not getting to have it, I can understand why you would want it a lot! Love your diary btw, your attitude is great inspiration, and not just re food.

Oh, my goodness!!! That was sooo funny. Yes, PLEASE help those who need a helping hand! Smooches…

September 8, 2005

I’m so happy people like you and the companies you work for are able to do meaningful things in a timely way for the victims. You are helping some people hang on.

September 9, 2005

Hooray for peanut butter! That reminds me I need to make a pb& J sanmmich when I get home LOL. I went out and bought the ‘natural’ peanut butter thinking I was doing the nutritious(sp) thing and come to find out they have the same caloric definitions and are only off by maybe one point or so! So now i have a can full of chopped up peanuts that sit in oil at home *humph* crossing arms. That Sucks!

September 10, 2005

welcome to the Peanut Butter Cult! 😀 i lurv PB&J

September 18, 2005

Oh, dear — it would probably have been better to just assume you had the peanut allergy for life. PB may be sticky in reality, but in metaphor, it is a slippery slope! I love love love love it, so much that I don’t often keep it around.–