Weigh Day: The scale finally catches up…

The last few weeks have been devoted to removing the 9 lbs I gained while on “hiatus”. During this time of WW sainthood fitness rebirth, I went back to basics: POINTS, journaling, H2O, and exercise.

Some people see regaining weight as a failure. While I did hit a bump in the road, I consider the fact that I didn’t let 9 lbs turn into 20…30…40…a victory. I know there are other challenges/detours along the way, but I know I’ll get through them because I’m in this for the long haul.

Moving on to this week’s weigh-in, I was shocked to see a 6.8 lb loss. Despite working my ass off the past few weeks, I’ve been given small losses/gains. Frankly, the back-and-forth thing was getting old, but it didn’t sabotage my efforts. After 82 weeks, Grasshopper has finally learned patience. Hard work will be rewarded. My body was obviously holding out on me. LOL What a bitchy thing to do…

My focus for Week 83 is simply to continue working the program. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it…

Hope everyone is having a great week…


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You ROCK! That’s a great week, huh? =) RYN: Yeah it is right up there in record breaking slaps…God knows I felt satisfied. That should teach her to walk up to someone whos man she fvcked and act like nothing happened. I wanted to ask you – how did you learn to do your website? I’m starting one on yahoo but really don’t know too much about it.

Wow! What a great loss!! Keep up the hard work and fantastick attitude. While you’re there, send some of that positive attitude my way! 🙂

not to sound TOO ghetto, but you go girl!

You Rock! That’s so great. You can never keep a true diva down! Congrats, Diva!

October 23, 2002

You rock! Seriously! That is so awesome!!!!!

You’re right, I let ten pounds turn into fifty before! It’s so easy to do once you start gaining! Congrats on not slipping back into that!!!

(I refuse to say, “You rock!” :)) Oh man, you are so right. Too many people don’t get that this is a life-long thing. And the thing about gaining weight is, I’m assuming, unlike years ago, this time you have the supprt, the knowledge and the mindset in place to rein yourself back in gently and firmly rather than beating yourself up and losing control. That says a lot about…

how much you have grown as a person as you have changed. Entry request: You must write about the triathlon training process. I loved those entries!

BTW, how do you cope with feeling hungry a lot? I find that makes me binge on sweet things….

October 24, 2002

Whoo Hoo!!!

Great job Courtney! As usual, you rock : ) I wanted to tell you that I showed your site to a friend who came to my house this weekend and she was totally inspired by your transformation. You’re looking great, girl : )

October 29, 2002

I think you’re gorgeous, and your determination inspires me.