Weigh Day: The Road to Onederland

I weighed in today with a 1.8 lb loss. Aunt Flo showed up last night, so I am grateful for any drop. The loss brings my total to 168.4 lbs…and I am now 37.8 lbs from the magical 199 number. I haven’t weighed under 200 in 12 years. I will act a straight fool when I see that number on the scale. LOL

TRI training is going well…considering I have a damn gimp foot. I think all of the TRI Divas are getting nervous…but we are going to do this…in style. Do you think feather boas will distract the other competitors?

A close friend of mine had her baby on Monday and I still have warm fuzzies. Elijah was 9 lbs 2 oz (Good Lord!) and is absolutely perfect. 🙂

I must say that I’m in love with Lance Armstrong. Donna loaned me his book and I am truly inspired. *sigh*

So…tonight is the night…the end of AI. As you all know, I’m pulling for Ruben, but I have a feeling gremlin Clay is going to take it all. We shall see.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week…


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May 21, 2003

Congrats! And aahahahah @ Gremlin. I think that they’re both very talented and am glad that it’s a choice between both of them than some Britney Spears lookalike who can’t sing.

ha ha GREMLIN. How great of a description is that. The austin paper described him as elfin but I like gremlin better. Lance Armstrong is so cool. I am lucky enough to work in the same building that his foundation is fixing to be housed in. I haven’t gotten to meet him yet but I’ve been promised lots of Lance paraphanalia. 🙂 I’m rooting for you all the way down to 199 and then some. ~C~

May 21, 2003

Congrats on your continued loss, you are a true inspiration woman. We’ll see who wins tonight.

YAY on the weight loss!!! I did a full half hour (plus cool down) on the elliptical today. I have to admit, I now feel like a fitness badass!

May 21, 2003

awesome awesome. i hope to get there someday too … i don’t think i’ve been under 200 since … um … maybe 10th grade? feh. loves,


May 22, 2003

I love the feather boa idea!! LOL Yay for the loss!

Rock on woman!!! 🙂

May 22, 2003

Congrats on the loss! I’m going into this Memorial Day weekend very nervous. I want to see a loss on my scale for weigh-in next Thursday, but think I’m going to have a hard time with all the BBQ’s and everything this weekend. :-ox

Go on and be a straight fool, girl. 😀 You are amazing! And feather boas are a MUST-HAVE fashion accessory at all times.. sweat or no sweat. 😉

You might want to leave the feather boa’s till after the swim transition! Congrad on continued success — the tri will be a walk in the park.