Weigh Day: Technical Difficulties

I apologize for the tardy entry…OD is really sucking today.

I lost 0.2 at weigh-in yesterday. My total loss for May is 3 lbs. I’m not going to lie and say I’m ok with that figure, but what can I do? I lost 7 lbs in April, so I guess my body decided to even things out this month. I wish it would stop fighting me…I am going to win, so resistance is futile.

On a more positive note, I’ve lost 21 lbs in my 5 months of triathlon training. The progress has been fairly consistent, so it looks like the tri workouts are here to stay. As much as I hate to admit it, the smaller body/less calorie burn process is finally starting to affect my results. I remember the good ol’ days when I could drop 2-3 lbs with moderate activity. Now I have to exercise like a woman possessed just to see the scale move.

The Danskin is a week from Sunday! I’m not sure why I’m nervous. Chesty and Donna actually had to train/enhance a new skill. I’m only doing a 5K…but according to Donna’s review of the course, it’s not your average 5K. LOL She basically told me to become close friends with the incline button on the treadmill. While I’m not a speed demon, I have trained enough to alternate between walking and jogging during the course. I still think I’m too big to run, but I do it.

Hope everyone is having a great week…


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Running does great things for a figure but is hell on a body. Just keep the pace slow and easy and you’ll get there. When is the triathalon? I know you posted it but I forgot.

May 29, 2003

i used to do triathalon training, years ago before i got sick. i plan to do it again some day soon, i miss it all so much.

May 29, 2003

A loss is a loss, right? Good for you, for this week and all your past work!

You kick ass, C.. I really admire you. 🙂

Look at you still kickin’ on (or running on :-P).. you’re in the 230’s! GREAT JOB!!!!!

Movement is good. And if you hit plateaus, increase your calories for a week or two. Bodies plateau when they think that they’re starving. Let it figure that the famine is over and all is well again.

Even with only a fraction of a pound lost, you’ve got to be psyched about how well you’re coming along. Not many people have that sort of dedication, motivation and all the other -ations. Good job girl.

May 30, 2003

you rock my world. 10 pounds in two motnhs is great! loves,

You are amazing!

May 30, 2003

girl I hear you – last Friday at weigh-in I gained .4 and I was devastated. I kinda felt defeated and wasn’t too careful this week, so we shall see in a couple hours… You, however and doing great!!!


You are a great inspiration! How do you deal with emotional eating when you are not hungry?