Weigh Day: So close…Part XVII

I lost 2.4 lbs this week for a total of 149.4 lbs lost. That additional .6 is going to drive me mad. Not that I’m ungrateful, but why do MY weigh-ins have to be so dramatic?

The WW center was beyond crowded today with the Resolution Crew. Lesli and I both agreed that while it was catty to entertain the thought, we look forward to the population drop that happens around Valentine’s Day. 🙂

Weight training starts this week and I’m trying to get excited about it. I should be anxious to begin after looking at Carrie’s transformation pics, but it just ain’t happening.

Hope everyone is having a great week…


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January 8, 2003

Your stats are great!

girl, rock the f- on! oh yeah, i got a walk the walk video…i like it! i can’t wait to get the walk away the pounds video. hey, is a 17/18 min. 1 mile work-out the same as a 20 min. 1 mile?

The Resolution Crew…lmao – it’s the truth though, isn’t it???

I spent many hours last night reading Carrie’s journey with WLS… Very interesting and informative and I’m hoping to get up to date later tonight. The pics are so impressive, but I don’t think I could ever go that route, no matter how long and difficult the journey is to lose the weight I’m hefting around. (But that’s just me, ya know?)

wow that’s amazing! well done! remember .6lb is like, one apple.