Weigh Day: Slow, but still moving…

I lost 0.4 at weigh-in today. A small loss, but this makes 6 lbs total in the last 3 weeks…and that is no small feat in my journey. LOL

Chesty and I took a body sculpting class last night. 60 minutes focusing on biceps/triceps and legs. The 130 lb instructor kept demanding additional sets of pushups/body lifts. Look here, sister…I am lifting 245 lbs…the reps are a little more difficult for big girls! Overall, I enjoyed the class, but I am a special kind of sore today. I cursed a blue streak trying to do simple tasks like brushing my teeth and putting on socks/shoes. *ouch*

The instructor announced that a hip hop class will be added to the group exercise schedule next month. I cannot wait! We’ll see if I can drop it like it’s hot…and get back up without assistance. LOL

Today is my mom’s 47th birthday. I took her to lunch at Rockfish and the celebration will continue this evening. Her 25 lb loss is showing physically and mentally…love it!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week…Go Ruben.


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April 9, 2003

i have to say … i’m doing the ww thing too … and i think to myself, “what would diva do?” really. loves,

April 9, 2003

ryn: i like it. i think of it as “thin person thinking training” . and the fact that i never really FAIL. just make it up the next day or two with less points. loves,

April 9, 2003

I can’t think of a note. I’m too boggled to be older than another adult’s mother. Geez.

e-mail me your new address to donnamarie@houston.rr.com! I have an idea for 2004, you’re gonna either love, or think I’m nuts. Hahaha! I’m home today — read my diary entry to find out why. So, since I’m home I don’t have your new address, and wasn’t sure if the sbcglobal address was correct. 🙁 Oh! Congrats on the loss!

RYN: I am so scared I am going to die. I can feel my chest tighten, and I can hear how difficult it is for me to breathe even at rest. I think for the first time I am faced with choosing death or life… that is the basic thing. An online group would be helpful if it were consistent. I need to do something. Thanks for listening.

Congrats on your loss!!!! <– has to vote for my man Clay!!! 😀 His eyes make me melt… :puddle:

If we’re going to participate in that crazy idea, we have to register pretty quick — there is only 1,000 spaces left. I will probably register next week if you guys are definite!

April 10, 2003

Congrats on the loss. The hip hop class sounds like a lot of fun.

April 10, 2003

drop it like it’s hot…lmao! you go girl, i would love to take a hip hop class…

is ur mom doing ww too?

April 15, 2003

Oh my God, you have lost SO much weight. I just joined Curves and it seems to be going pretty well… how long has it taken you to get from 406 to where you are now?