Weigh Day: Huh?

I had a faithful week on program, a bit of weight training, and several 60 minute sessions of intense cardio. My reward? A 1 lb gain. I will never understand scale logic, but I know that my work will eventually be rewarded (it better be, dammit!)

My 5K training is going well. I’ve been slowly increasing speed and varying the incline every 5 minutes to simulate possible hills on the course. Right now I’m walking at 4.0 mph (15 minute mile) and would like to work up to a slow jog.

The other TRI Divas are also doing well in training. Chesty swims like a fish (drinks like one too…but I’m not one to gossip, so you didn’t hear it from me). DonnainDallas is truly working her jelly on the bike. Take a look at her diary and be inspired.

Hope everyone is having a great week…I’ll post a few recipes tomorrow.


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April 16, 2003

I used to do tons of cardio, but after reading lots of different articles, I only do 30 min of cardio each session. Did you eat all your points? Im sure it will come off next week? RYN: Thanks, Im thrilled!!!

April 16, 2003

You know Im in Canada now right? I dont think they have a magnet, today I asked for my ribbon and they were out of them. I do have the 10% Key chain to look forward to.

April 17, 2003

that sucks. but hey … its not all about the weight loss right? loves,

April 17, 2003

I’m amazed at the distances DonnainDallas does. Wow!! All three of you are VERY inspirational. hehe, did you know there is a Camp Chesty set up in Iraq?

as far as the 1 lb. gain goes, it will all balance out ini the end. but i know u know that 🙂

April 17, 2003

stupid scales! Glad your training os going good, though, shall start calling you “speedy.”

April 18, 2003

Yeah, there seems no pattern to the week by week thing. Hmmm.. maybe your body’s trying to resist? Bah, it won’t win, you will. 😉

April 18, 2003

You probably already know this.. but muscle weighs more than fat.. so I’ll be you’ve lost fat – but just gained some muscle.. =) I lurk here often.. for inspiration.. I respect your efforts, and admire you greatly!! You go! =)

Sorry you gained 🙁 My mom had that problem a few weeks ago.. totally OP and gained .5 but it sure showed the next week w/ a 4lb loss. It WILL catch up with you!