Weigh Day: Damage Report

I weighed in with a 2 lb gain today. Considering I was up 4 lbs the day after Christmas, I’m pleased with the results. It could have been a lot worse…believe me. LOL

I purchased additional diary space for triathlon entries…but I can’t post anything because of errors. I emailed the DM, so we’ll see what happens. Open Diary needs some serious tech help. I’ll post a link when the problem is resolved.

Hope everyone has a great day…


Log in to write a note

Not bad at all!!! I have to go in this weekend – then I’ll know what I’m working with.

DAMN IT! I keep reading about the new diary problems and until now I didn’t care. But I am DYING to read your TRI diary!!! The DM better get his crap together!!! I am going to e-mail him and complain!

January 3, 2003

How frustrating…you pay for something, yet can’t use it. Congrats on the small 2 lb. gain. That’s nothing you can’t handle!! 🙂

January 3, 2003

RYN: 10? why so late? will let you know if i’ll join ya’ll that late.

You have to purchase additional space? There’s a space limit? What is the limit? I feel like I better stop writing so often now…

January 3, 2003

RYN: oooo, plans! do these plans involve a cutie? tell me yes …so i can live vicariously. lol

YAY! The new diaries are said to be working now. You must start writing about TRi training! 🙂

the new od is now on my faves 🙂