Weigh Day: Breaking Through?!?

After another week of staying OP (on program), the scale rewarded me with a 1.8 lb gain this week. I’m not upset (I just can’t do that anymore. After 85 weeks, it’s a waste of my time and energy to sweat the weekly results), but I am a bit baffled by the receptionist’s attitude. She didn’t say anything mean or discouraging to me…but she did hand me WW’s Breaking Through guide. This book is treated as top secret info and is highly guarded at the meetings. LOL I don’t know why…the plateau solutions listed are common sense.

I’ve been bouncing around the 140 lb lost mark for the last 3 weeks. The idea of “plateau!” never crossed my mind because the last 3 weeks have been strange. As mentioned, I’ve been battling fatigue/low blood sugar levels (no test results yet). My workouts have definitely suffered, but what can I do? I’m not going to push myself and put my health in jeopardy to please the scale gods. I took my doctor’s advice and cut back on my workouts. The gain leads me to believe that I need to adjust my points to make up for the decrease in activity/intensity. I’ve had the most success eating in the middle-high end of my range…but maybe I should focus on low-mid area. At this point, I just want to feel better.

Anyway, I’m not going to get into the plateau mindset, because I don’t think it applies to me right now. My body is adjusting to the change of exercise habits. I’m still doing at least 30 minutes of cardio per workout, but that’s a bit tame compared to what I’m used to. If I don’t see a change in the next month or so, I’ll just declare goal. Every WW center needs a 267 lb leader. 😉

Practically the entire WW community is talking about Al Roker’s WLS. I have my own personal feelings about the surgery, but I’m not going to judge anyone’s decision to have it. My problem is with the doctors that push surgery on overweight people as the only solution to their problem. That’s bullshit. There are people that started 100…200…even 300 lbs overweight and are losing large amounts of weight without going under the knife. While it may be the last resort for some, I don’t think it should be presented to the masses as the miracle cure for obesity. As for Al Roker, I’m glad he was able to find something that works for him. My beef with ol’ Al? the People mag article:

“Despite the dangers, Roker ultimately decided that surgery was his only option — especially after having tried all the popular diets. “I’ve done ’em all,” he says. “I did Atkins, Scarsdale, the Beverly Hills diet, the pineapple diet, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutri/System, Sugar Busters!,the Carbohydrate Addict’s diet. But because they are diets, you cannot stay on them forever.”

Hope everyone is having a great week…


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I have been OP for about 6 weeks and I am already frustrated!

know what’s funny? i heard our buddy Al say that he didn’t want to “just lose a pound a week. then in a year, i’ve lost, what? 50 pounds? that’s not good enough for me.” so i didn’t even think he’d TRIED ww or jc

Yeah he tried all the diets but did he ever think of trying a lifestyle change?? And why didn’t his wife get involved with his portion control and make only healthy meals for him? His attitude before he went to the surgery was horrible in my opnion. Apparently he went on some three day binge where he ate everything and everything he wanted. I just thought he was totally sending the wrong message!!

Yeah – wait until he figues out he IS on a diet…The stomach streches and you need to MAINTAIN the weight you lose…Ugh. I’ve always felt like that surgery was cheating. That’s just my opinion. I have to join a gym and push myself to workout. Why an’t they be free? I ave to choose between the workout & WW. Maybe I can do it from home… Now that I’ve littered your journal…

November 13, 2002

I’m all caught up and seriously thinking of going back to WW to start all over…

November 13, 2002

Declaring is not an option! Remember we’re in this together. So, ya need me to kick your butt today? 🙂 Obviously haven’t gone to WI yet — am of the “it’s a loss or Lass is going to beat the scale to itsy bitsy pieces” mindset today. It’s been a bad few weeks WW wise.

To clarify, I am frustrated because I can’t get past the last few pounds, ya know? Your roommate and I are bulit similar it sounds and are about the same weight. I am just getting the last of the baby punds off that that is what is so hard. So, I get so frustrated.

November 13, 2002

RYN: smart a$$ :p thanks.

November 13, 2002

when’s hockey?

RYN: hehe .. I know to see a Doctor … lol … this is just a question to see how a body is percieved by others not for me ness.

NO NO NO … I just don’t want you to think that I am a moron! I am curious to see what people think though in a sociey ot “Friends” and what not, ya know? I was told by the other person in such a tone to imply that I am so STUPID that I would only listen to prople here, I was a bit bitter, sorry.

Start a new entry, I am tired of seeing my old notes, lol!

ummm….Mr. Roker, I think that’s your problem right there! I could have saved him thousands of dollars!! LOL! It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change. If you’re not willing to commit to the long haul, of course you’re not going to see long term results…duh!

plateaus can be overcoem by eaing slightly MORE for a short while, to fool your metabolism. lso, if you are simultaneously low-carbing, a quick carb-up with brown rice can help to increase leptin levels.

November 14, 2002

I swear, what is up the butts of WW employees these days? Anyway, you will get past this, maybe it is just your bodys way of holding on to things because it is trying to heal? The key is to take care of yourself and to feel better! As for Al, I think he lucked out in the regard that he “sailed through” the surgery. At least they mentioned the high death rate statistics, unlike Oprah.

November 14, 2002

RYN: Did you get my voice mail?

November 14, 2002

BTW…how’s the energy level? 🙂

Re: Surgery: I, too, try not to judge, but I am so incredibly skeptical of it. Yes, it does take care of the immediate problem, but what about the emotions-leading-to-eating issue? Sure you may not feel hungry and you might get full faster, but if binging has been your way to calm or comfort yourself for years, I can’t see how surgery is going to curb that habit. Also,…

it frustrates me that working out seems to be an afterthought for people who choose surgery. Don’t people understand this is hard work and there is no quick fix? Sorry for venting. 🙂

ryn: i’ve yet to weigh in this week. i’m doing all of this online, by myself…so maybe that can attribute to the discouragement i feel. i so wish i hadn’t paid my money for this online thing…i wish i could have been able to actually attend meetings. i think it will help a bunch if i actually interact with people. what to do?