Weigh Day: Battle of the Bloat

I was pleased with seeing -1.2 at weigh-in today. The past week has not been easy, but I’m a survivor. *cue Destiny’s Child CD*

I went to my GYN this afternoon and got the dreaded boost in my BCP dosage. She wants me on the new script for 2 cycles and then hopefully I can go back to my normal amount. I’m not looking forward to the potential mood swings, but what can I do? At least I’ll be extra protected from getting knocked up an unplanned blessed event. Mom will be pleased. She informed me at age 13 that the women in our family are very fertile and “all it takes is a meaningful glance…”

*TMI alert*

My cycle issues are slowly improving. The flow isn’t trying to destroy me anymore (I’m so dramatic) and my lower back pain is almost gone. My exercise has been modified lately, but I look forward to getting back to my normal routine this week. Swim TRI training will start next week…when I feel 100% daisy-fresh.

I want to thank everyone that showed concern about my health issue. It’s a wonderful feeling and you all are great. 🙂



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February 5, 2003

I keep telling myself that I have to get back on the weightloss wagon and keep doing nothing, I’m going to be big as a house soon, What I need to do is read you from front to back for some motivation, but then I know my motivation must come from me… I will do it, I just have to just do it…

you’re the weight loss GODESS! i’ve been doing it from home – can’t lay out the funds – and i’m not sure i’m having much luck…no gain, but no significant loss either. ugh.

I’m so glad to read that you’re doing better. 🙂

February 5, 2003

The getting knocked up thing cracked me up. Glad to hear you are doing well.

I’m glad you’re feeling better, sweetie. Congrats on the loss!

Glad you are doing better. You don’t need to add anemia to the mix.

have you considered the depo shot? It’s very effective AND no more PMS!