Weigh Day: Back to Basics…

My recent return to humble beginnings is paying off. The past week was the epitome of Week 1. POINTS? Perfect. H2O? At least 120 oz. daily. Exercise? Like a woman possessed. Result? 2.6 lbs lost. Imagine that…you stay on program and it WORKS. I’ve lost 3.4 of my 9 lbs of “sin weight”. Another 5.6 lbs and I’ll feel like a normal WW diva again. 🙂

Work is BUSY, but I’m not complaining. Busy in today’s workplace=a little bit of job security. Monday was the start of the additional account business, so chaos doesn’t begin to describe the situation. I’ve been through transition/growing pains before, so I’m not stressing over it. However, I am angry at the airlines’ latest shady move. The offense? Nonrefundable tickets no longer have an exchange value once you’ve taken the outbound flight. In a crazy nutshell, you use it or lose it. How ridiculous is THAT? Carrier start dates vary, but they will all be enforcing this rule by January 1st. While it does affect John and Jane Leisure Travel, it cripples the business traveler…as if they don’t already pay enough for tickets.

Chesty and I are having cable modem installed today and I can’t wait. The new service will be AT&T Broadband(which according to Suzie Customer Service Rep, can be conveniently added to our current AT&T digital cable bill…how nice of them). I have to cancel my AOL account and I’m not looking forward to it. I’ve been told it’s easier to leave the Mob. Oy vey…

I am truly enjoying my new gym membership. It’s nice to have a lot of options for calorie burn. I’m also digging the no contract thing. I’m still nursing wounds from my Cosmopolitan Lady contract. :::shudder:::

Today is technically the start of Week 80…but I think I’ll stay in the Week 1 mindset. 🙂

Hope everyone has a great day…


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October 3, 2002

You’ll love the broadband experience. 🙂 I have DSL and wouldn’t go back to dial-up unless there were absolutely no other alternatives.

October 3, 2002

Mmmm.. fast internet is nice. You’ll love it. 🙂 Good to hear your getting back on track. That bad nine pounds will melt away, I’m sure. 🙂

Hey girl!! I am here and I TOTALLY need to get back to week one..:( Remember me?? I need help though!! I have put back on 15 of my 45 lost and I totally need some refuel!! Talk to you soon!!!!

Great job girlie! You’ll be back to feeling like the Diva you are, in no time! 🙂

October 3, 2002

Good for you! And you are handling the stress at work very well, too! Bravo! Thanks for your note on the TT entry. I actually took a few pics yesterday…contemplating posting them, but not sure I wanna gross everyone out just yet, hehee.

Congrats on the weight gain! I’ve been wondering if I drink enough water (not that I’m on WW or anything, I’m just obsessed with drinking enough water) how much does the program reccomned that you drink daily? Cuz I drink two to three 1 Liter water bottles a day.

Yeah, like the other person said. Congrats on the weight gain! 🙂 Actually congrats on the loss. Isn’t it amazing how doing what you know you need to do works. It’s so inspiring. Good job!

Week 80, OMG. You are my Ideal Weight Watcher, and I aint joking. I am soon back to week #1 for real, but that’s the right attitude. You never quit, that is what I find so awesome about you. Congrats & keep it up!!

ut oh… I just signed a one year contract with a health center.