Weigh Day and other stuff…

Weigh-in showed me up 0.8 this week. I’ve had 3 little pesky gains in a row and I’m tired of it. While I have been exercising, my food hasn’t been perfect the past few weeks. I’m sure my 3 cups of liquid weight gainer baby shower punch* didn’t help the scale results, either. In any case, I *promise* that I’m back in serious mode now. My second WW anniversary is next week and I’d like to see a loss.

Chesty’s 26th birthday party is next Friday night. I have to find a cute outfit to upstage her boobs. The next day we’re picking up Roxie and heading to Houston. I have a free night stay at the Sam Houston Hotel that’s burning a hole in my pocket. We’ll do some shopping at the Galleria and pretend to be socialites.

Trey invited me to his son’s birthday party. I’m not ready to meet his rugrat (or any other members of his family) at this time, so I’m definitely going to pass. I’m still indifferent about him. I think it’s time to throw him into the friend gauntlet and see what happens. LOL My girls will be quick to eliminate anyone that can’t hang.

I am truly missing New Orleans. Guess where my birthday celebration will be? 🙂

My baby brother turns 19 tomorrow. Where does the time go?

What the hell is wrong with Lane Bryant these days?!? I went into a store yesterday and was disappointed. Ok, the hippie-trippy peasant shirts are cute (hell, I even own a few)…but it’s time to move on! I’m ready for a better looking spring wardrobe. This is the first time in years that I’ve looked forward to warmer weather. Less body=Less misery in the heat and more clothing options.

*Here’s the divine punch recipe. Don’t bother to figure the points…this is a “fuck it, I’m just going to drink it” beverage.

*(1) 2 Litter of Club Soda
*(1) 8oz can of pineapple orange juice
*(1) can sweetened condensed milk

Combine juice (almost thawed) and sweetened condensed milk in punch bowl and stir. Once stirred, slowly add the club soda. Add ice if needed. Add cherries and pineapple for garnish.

Hope everyone is having a great week…


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0.8 isn’t that bad… it’ll come off in no time! I hope you have a better week =) That juice sounds delish… but I shouldn’y make it because I’d probably down it all LOL ::hates that drinks and fluids have points:: 😀

March 19, 2003

Ive never heard of condensed milk in a punch. Sounds rich. ryn: Thanks, I needed it after last weeks gain.

My last trip to Lane Bryant saw me walking from the store with a disgusted look on my face.

March 20, 2003

I’ve not been into a LB in quite a long time, was thinking about making a trip to see what they had, but I may not now.

well – i don’t know very much about the trey situation, so i can’t really put in my two cents (DAMN!)…i think having him meet your friends is a good thing.

March 20, 2003

i gained 1.4 this week, but it was my birthday week, heh. how much are you trying to lose in total?

March 20, 2003

you know what’s so annoying? literally every OTHER week i am up :/ whyyyy 🙁

Oh, God, that punch is bad. I often think that LB’s designers have lost their minds. They seem to alternate between cute and “wtf???”

That peasant stuff is getting old… I agree. It’s like they think Fat Lady clothes can only be one style… thres styles ago.