Weigh Day: 150!

I lost 2.2 lbs today for a total of 152. The news wasn’t as emotional as hitting the 100 lb milestone, but I still felt an overwhelming sense of relief. It took me 53 weeks to lose the last 50 lbs. I don’t remember signing up for the sloooooow program. I believe I paid for the “I want this weight off yesterday” plan.

Since WW doesn’t offer magnets for losses over 100 lbs, my leader presented me with “50” and “100” magnets. Thanks to everyone for the notes/emails. I appreciate the support. 🙂


By the way, I need suggestions for a milestone reward (I originally planned to get a palm pilot, but Chesty gave me one for Christmas) and latest charm bracelet addition. Any ideas?

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A trip! Take yourself on a vacation. 🙂

Dang, you are my hero. Great job. 150 pounds, that’s a whole person.

A day or week at a spa, club med vacation, a toy boy, Dang girl, I can’t imagine what that would feel like to lose 152 pounds. That is so awesome. You have the power. You can do anything. Suprawoman!

Something huge like a new car, LOL : ) I have no idea what to do for a reward because I just can’t think that big (yet.) I’m excited for you though and I’m glad your leader acknowledged you with 2 magnets, LOL : ) Okay… so now I’m going to sit here and wait for some new pictures 😀

I would allow yourself a little MAC reward or a new outfit or something. You deserve it, girl. A little MAC and a gorgeous pair of heels or boots so you can remind yourself of the diva you are! I’m so amazingly proud of you!

Oh C, you so totally deserve a day visit to a spa!! Again, congratulations. 🙂 You have worked so damn hard and have been so patient. And how you managed to keep such a positive attitude alludes and awes me. In many ways, you’re in the home stretch now. 🙂

Oh yeah! Who’s Bad! Woot!!!

WOW – 152…that’s a whole person!! I am so impressed by your success and your attitude – you rock girl! Hmmm….a fitting reward? How about a beautiful free-standing mirror for your bedroom, where you can admire your changing shape. Or even a gorgeous photo frame for your latest progress pic? Other than that all I can suggest is ….DIAMONDS!! Mon


January 23, 2003

Buy a gift card for $150 to a favorite store of yours and then have fun shopping! OR, 150 rozes? Heheee. Oooh, a small pair of diamond studs, when you get to 200 lost you can trade them up, you know? Hmmm, Glamour Shots! Yeah! Good job, Courtney!

Wow! Wonderful!

Congratulations on all your hard work! I think you look great in your pictures! 🙂

WOW!!! I think that is incredible … WAY TO GO!!!!!

January 24, 2003

Congrats. 🙂 Hmmm.. well, what do you have and what do you want. 🙂 I could think of a lot of things, but I think most are problably not your thing. 😉

January 24, 2003

I like both the spa idea and the diamond earring idea. Great job!!

Wow!!! All I can say is you are an inspiration. I am glad i stumbled on to your diary. liz

wooooooohoooooooooooooo! Well done! That is so awesome!!!

I agree – you should get a getaway for this milestone!! i’m so proud of you – congratulations!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! Congratulations!