Weekend stuff…

I’ve been sluggish all week. I have an appointment with my PCP on Monday for an exam/blood work. My body has been doing some strange things the last couple of months and I’m finally going to get some answers.

I’m a bit worried that the news will be negative. I’d like to think that after losing 130+ lbs that my health would be damn near perfect. However, I’ve always had a nagging suspicion that something from my heavier days would surface. 400 lbs isn’t a healthy weight for anyone. What if a problem has been dormant and decided to surface now? I love to worry…it’s just part of who I am. Oy vey…

I gained 2.6 lbs this week. After losing 6.8 lbs last week, it was expected. My body *never* holds on to 100% of a freakishly large loss. The positive? I didn’t gain any of the “sin weight” back so I’m still in good standing…and in the 260s, thank goodness. Bad things will happen if I ever see the 270s again. Fat chick goes crazy at local Weight Watcher center…film at 11.

I saw Jackass tonight…and laughed…a lot. :::hanging head in shame:::

Chesty and I will be participating in the Komen Race for the Cure in Austin on Sunday. We’ll be hitting the road later today. Disco cd? Check. Beef Jerky? Check. Toilet paper and silly string for Rick Perry’s place? Check.

Hope everyone has a great weekend…

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November 2, 2002

I had a large loss last week. I’m glad I read your entry so I won’t freak if I show some kind of gain.

I love beef jerky. It amazes me how expensive it is though. Have fun with the race.

November 3, 2002

RYN: AHEM. NO. 🙂 I am most emphatically NOT pregnant. 🙂 Thanks.


I don’t know if you realize what an inspiration you are. You may have a “bad” week, but you constantly look at the positive – it really helps me along reading about your journey.

RYN: Totally Leader material!!! lol I’m sure I didn’t do TOO much damage…=)