Week 13 and stuff…

Hello Lovelies!

Down another 1.2 lbs this week…I am still chipping away at my monster gain from a few weeks ago. Happy to be moving in the right direction. My heart and mind are still a little heavy about the medical issue. but my days are mostly positive now. Things got DARK for a minute, but thankfully I have amazing friends that reached out to me. I am usually the rock for other people, but it’s always nice to know that folks are here for me when I need to lean.

My appointment with the specialist is next Wednesday and my goal is to stay positive/calm and avoid eating my emotions…because really, has ice cream TRULY solved a problem? I love Ben & Jerry, but they suck in the problem solving department. Shocking, I know. Anyway, I will keep you all posted on the appointment…and the results (which probably won’t be revealed until another maddening wait passes. Patience is a virtue I don’t have…

In other news, my little race calendar continues to chug along. I set a goal to do 12 events this year and I’ve knocked out 5 already! Next up will be the Fort Worth Zoo Run on 4/21 and the Survival Race on 4/28. <–pray that my big arse doesn’t get stuck in the mud pit!

I hope everyone is having a great week!

P.S. Here’s something to sweeten your day…my favorite twins in the WHOLE world!

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April 4, 2012

That picture is perfections! Just adorable! Good job on the loss this week! Hang in there…. it’s gonna be just fine one way or another.

April 4, 2012

You rock…stay strong and hope you find out good results soon.

April 5, 2012

I forgot what I was going to say about you because that picture is ADORABLE!!!!!!!! love ya diva 😉