Weak As Water…

I totally let my guard down with J last night. He said the right stuff and I was on him like white on rice…stink on shit…Star Jones on her new husband.

Why are so many women drawn to poisonous men?

Speaking of venomous men, I must tell you about my Friday morning grocery store drama. My office had a White Elephant/Bake sale to benefit the activities committee. I’m a member, so showing up empty-handed was not an option. I took the lazy route and headed to the bakery. While deciding between cheesecake and cupcakes, an employee comes by, shakes his finger at me, says “Those are really fattening, you know?” and walks away laughing. I ignored the comment and continued shopping. By the time I reached checkout, tears were in full effect.

I sat in my truck for 5 minutes and let the emotional bundle of God-knows-what pass. Instead of heading to work, I took my keys out of the ignition, grabbed my purse and headed back into the store. Mr. Manners was working in the deli (with 3 innocent bystanders). I let him have it:

C: Weight is a sensitive subject and you should think about your comments before forcing them on total strangers. You have NO idea what my history is and where I came from. :::pulls out before picture::: This was me 3 years ago. I’ve lost 200 lbs and gained the strength to stand up to insensitive people like yourself. Would you laugh at a bald woman that came into your store? Do you know if she just got sick of dealing with her hair and cut it off…or if she’s going through chemotherapy?

MM: I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I didn’t know!

C: You aren’t supposed to know. I’m a total stranger…and that means you should choose your words carefully. Not that I owe you an explanation, but these cupcakes are for an office function. Contrary to popular belief, not all fat people sit around and inhale sweets all day. Also, from a financial standpoint, making derogatory remarks to customers is just bad business. If I want to buy every damn item in this bakery, it benefits you.

MM: I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.

C: You ruined my morning, but you won’t ruin my day.

At this point, I leave the store…while he continues to shout apologies at my back. I can’t begin to tell you how proud I felt. Now…I’ve been speaking my mind since age 3 (according to my mother), but weight has always been off limits. My hurt feelings had nothing to do with him as an individual. I was hurt because I realized that after almost 4 years of busting my ass, the world still sees me as a fat woman. I’ve morphed from morbidly obese to chubby…and that’s great…but I’m ready for my body to reflect my true fitness level. Patience is a virtue…blah blah blah.

So…I am still debating about talking to store management. I live in a pretty affluent area…and this signature Kroger is THE store. I could easily get him fired. Not that I’m Bertha Bad Ass, but it’s the type of store that will cut an employee if they feel he’s jeopardizing the financial gain and reputation of the store.

Have I mentioned what ol’ boy looks like? Older brotha…early-mid 40s…rocking a shoulder length, READY-FOR-THE WORLD “Oh Sheila”  jheri curl! His style is 20+ years old, but he wants to make a snide comment about my weight? Give me a break.

Anyway…that was my Friday morning drama. The rest of the weekend has been calm and pleasant. DFW is being blessed with lots of rain, so I enjoyed a true weekend at the movies. Friday night, Red and I saw The Incredibles. Mommy and I went to see Ray yesterday (wonderful…Foxx should definitely get the Oscar nod) and today I’m going to check out Bridget Jones II.

I also need to go shopping for winter work clothes…mainly dress pants…to help cover my multiplecupcake-loving-ass. Bastard. Karma will take care of him…or maybe he’ll slip in a puddle of curl activator. teehee

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. The R.C. starts tomorrow!




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Good for you! Maybe this guy will think twice before spewing his bile on someone else next time.

I’m sooo glad that you went back in there C. You should have told him a bunch more, but you did it Sister. I think people should start to respect others, but like you, we gotta start sticking up for ourselves NO MATTER the SITUATION!! Some stuff isn’t worth the effort, but some stuff you gotta handle! Smooches…

November 14, 2004

go girl! im proud of you for that!

November 14, 2004

Oy!! I woulda freaked too, but I would have never had the balls to walk back in that store. My hubby would have heard me screaming and crying about it for days. It sounds like he was really sorry though and probably will NEVER make the same mistake again. (HUG)

November 14, 2004

Good for you! I probably would have just sat in my car for an hour and cried, while eating said cupcakes. Very proud of you.

November 14, 2004

Wow! That is the FIRST time I’ve ever heard of someone actually telling the person off for an insensitive comment! You rule! I think there will always be people who will make fat comments. Even if you’re 10 pounds below goal, that doesn’t mean the people around you can’t have distorted ideas about weight and body. What that guy thinks is NOT what everyone thinks!–

November 14, 2004

ok, bertha badass, you handle your bidness.

November 14, 2004

I’m sure he will NEVER say such a thing to anyone again. You probably gave him a life-changing moment…does his remorse change anything?

FUCK HIM! Get his ghetto ass fired. His comment was retarded and CRUEL. YOU HANDLED IT LIKE A CHAMP! You are not a fat woman C…you are a beautiful diva who has conquered the most evil of all enemy’s. This fool is drunk on activator! He probably thought he was being flirty and didn’t mean to imply you were fat. But damn if you didn’t do a hooker proud by going back in there. GET HIM FIRED.

November 14, 2004

I’m glad you spoke your mind, too, but resist the urge to escalate it to the manager. Old dude with bad hair working in a Kroger probably needs the job… probably didn’t set out to offend you. Probably learned his lesson somewhere in your blast furnace response, yeah?

November 14, 2004

I am proud of you. Sadly many people do not think before they speak.

November 14, 2004

That’s awesome that you went back in and let the grease spot have it!!!! My god that’s HORRIBLE customer service! Making snide remarks about what customers are purchasing is a humongous no no! You’re right. Karma will get him. 🙂

November 14, 2004

yeah for you!!! i’m so proud of you! 🙂 btw, i want details about this whole J thing 😀

I can NOT believe he said anything to you at all! From the pictures I’ve seen, you barely even qualify as chubby any longer! Good for you for letting him have it. I hope HIS day was ruined, and that he learns to think before he speaks.

November 14, 2004

Good for you! What an insensitive jerk.

Sorry but I’ve never been one to hug a tree. If the fucker needed his job so bad he would have kept his mouth shut. I hate PC people.

November 16, 2004

My guess is, this was this guy’s TOTALLY inept way of trying to flirt with a beautiful woman. Linette

I too have lost over 200 lbs and people have said rude and stupid things to me for forever. But this weekend I had a woman come up to me with a total snotty look and say the stupidest thing – “you’re not going to gain all that weight back now are you?” I stood up for myself for the first time ever and it felt great. Why do people speak without thinking? No more am I going to put up with it!