Turkey Day: Stories of Survival

So…I made it through Day O’ the Bird. Ma’s mac and cheese almost killed me, though. Who knew that noodles & cheese could talk? Hey cutie…you know you want some of this…just a little bit…see how easy it goes down? Mmmmm…

Kashi Blueberry waffles (2)-3pts
Turkey Bacon-2pts
1/4 cup SF syrup-0pts

Morning Snack

Grilled Chicken breast-5pts
Sweet potato-3pts

Afternoon snack
Cottage cheese-2pts

Turkey Chili-6pts
Wheat crackers-2pts
Baby spinach-0pts

Evening snack
SF Jello-0pts

Total Daily Points: 25

How did you all do? All weight loss brother and sisters please check-in…or we’ll assume you’re lost under a pile of mashed taters and/or stuffing.

What’s new at the R.C.? A mini-challenge focusing on ab exercises! Hooray! Ok…so I’ve never had visible abs…but I know they exist, dammit. I will continue to kick up the cardio and hopefully one day they’ll appear. If not, Dr. Liland will force those bitches to the surface. LOL

11 Days until the move…not done packing. I’m tempted to set the place on fire, collect the apartment insurance $ and get new stuff. Chesty and I are both packrats…it must stop.

Speaking of Chesty, she created a great weight training program for the TRI. I’ll post it later this week.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday…



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Big ups on doing the ab challenge! Go C!! My T Day was great, but I let the leftovers get to me. Next year, my goal is to have a one day Thanksgiving, instead of a 3 day splurge!

November 29, 2004

Oh, that mac & cheese sounds heavenly!!!

November 29, 2004

I did not have a good weekend… turkey day itself wasn’t that horrible; the two days afterward, were. But it’s over and it’s Monday and I’m Back!–

Mmmmm Mac and Cheese is my favorite!!! I survived T-day. Fortunately my Mom was in Sacramento with my brother and she didn’t cook. My sister ordered a dinner from the store. It was good, but it wasn’t my Mom’s. I was still able to lose 7.3 during that week. God bless crack cocaine. 😉 But Mother Love will be around for Christmas so we’ll see. Have a good one Diva! I love ya!

Sister, can I go see the Dr. too and add it to your bill? Smooches…

November 29, 2004

I survived and ate my J.Crai turkey dinner. But, had to have a piece of my daughters birthday cake that afternoon. Struggling the past month with the scale. Last 4 weigh ins…199.8 200.7 199.9 and last Saturday 200.2! Why the yo-yo (Lots of stress in MANY areas of life). Thanks for sharing the pic and the mac/chz story. You are going to turn many heads at the reunion. 5 wks to my wdng (-61)

November 29, 2004

Ok, so my mom’s side of the family all went out of town, which I couldn’t do because I had to work Friday (or I did before I got sick). So my dad was going to cook, but I knew I totally wouldn’t practice portion control, so we went, with my roommate, to Cracker Barrel. Tons of yummies, but no seconds! I even had pie and didn’t have to feel bad.

November 29, 2004

Oh yeah, have you told Chesty about the prom? You guys are so coming.

all i have to say is that i am mad at myself. I let thanksgiving turn into six days. BAD BAD BAD. Tommorow is tuesday and i HAVE to be back. That is in the past and now i am back on track.

November 29, 2004

Due to c-section, no ab working exercises for me for a few more weeks, but I did ease back in witht he one mile WATP tape today it felt great to be back!

November 30, 2004

I did fine, the scale said 196/97 this am. It feels good but one week of pigging and I know I can zip right back to 200. Think positve for me.

November 30, 2004

I survived because no one cooked…..! My Mother in law did but.. well.. I’ll leave it at that 😉

HELLS YEAH IT GETS COLD HERE! It was 46 when I left the house this morning. To me, that’s cold! 🙂

i was not OP during thanksgiving, but I walked 3 miles today and did my leg weights. So I am back. My next goal is to stay OP during Christmas (which is harder than thanksgiving)

November 30, 2004

diet starts tomorrow. i swear. hahahaha…. glad to see u survived though 🙂 take care hun!!