The Hike…

Chesty and I were up at 6:30 this morning armed with sunscreen, Luna bars, and water. The big social plans last night? A trip to Wal-Mart for supplies. LOL

We met the other fitness divas at the Dallas Nature Center and headed out for an adventure. My coworker is an avid hiker, so it was cool to have her along to show us the way.

The hike started out pretty tame…and then hills/inclines started. All of a sudden our calm heart rates went through the roof and we were hiking. The entire course was 2.5 miles long and we finished in an hour…not bad, if I do say so myself. 🙂 I will definitely visit the nature center again. Hiking will be a nice way to shake up my regular exercise/TRI routine.

We came home sweaty and hot…but it was definitely worth it. I earned a decent amount of activity points…not to mention the pure pleasure of knowing that my weight loss made the hike possible. I tell ya…it’s enough to make you pass up the cookie. 😉

A couple of pictures taken early in the hike…LOL The post-hike look was NOT going to be photographed.

Coworker *C*, Chesty, TheLassThatLost,WW Diva

Chesty, TheLassThatLost, WW Diva, DonnaInDallas

My plans for the rest of the day? Catch up on OD favorites and read over the triathlon training/fitness notebook I bought. Chesty and I will hit the track this evening for a 30-40 minute walk.

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday…


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I’m glad you guys had a good time! Does doing something like this hike inspire you to want to travel to other areas to hike? Do you want to take, for lack of better words, “physical fitness advetnure trips” like say hiking up a mountain, etc etc?

For a second I thought that I was looking at myself when I saw the pics of you, WW Diva. It was far enough away that I couldn’t see your face. We look entirely different close up. How tall are you? I usually dress that way when working out — black bike shorts and loose t-shirt with graphic image. It was eerie. I will be ready for next hike if it’s at least 30 days a way.

Hey Diva, it actually took us closer to 1 hour and 10 minutes I counted the end time as the moment we plopped our gluts on the bench 🙂

Have you been in WW ever since you joined? I can’t get over 131 lbs. This is awesome, YOU are awesome. I am so glad you went hiking! I so admire you & will try to keep up to your entries. Love,

July 22, 2002

Sounds good. I used to do some hiking, though that was in my Boy Scout days. One we went across some rough country just for the fun of it during a summer camp and another more recent was a real hike in the tens of Kilometers(15 I think) with fear and rations for lunch and snacks. Believe me, I won’t be doing that again. :p

July 22, 2002

Looks like it was fun!