The Final Phase…*edit*


December 1-31, 2005

Diva’s goals…

23 workout sessions (cardio/weights)
Eat clean the entire month (minus Christmas dinner)
Have fun at the company holiday party without causing an HR violation
Enjoy ALL social events this month…without the added calories
The Reward: 30GB iPod!
Do I feel guilty about buying myself a present? Absolutely not. I deserve it. Besides, I have a nice little Christmas bonus coming, so I can drop the $ and be guilt-free.

**I’m going to extend the holiday recipe submission because the numbers are low. don’t make me call you out. Submit a recipe and help the weight loss community. Only YOU can prevent ass spreadage.

A few updates for my divas and divOs…

Turkey Day…As usual, my mama’s mac & cheese was divine. Is it bad that I didn’t eat any meat? My Thanksgiving plate was all carbs…and all good. *burp*

Holiday Party…December 10th! Our little committee has planned a kickass soiree. We have 25 pairs of airline tickets to give away. Yippee!

Books…Currently reading The Next Big Thing-Johanna Edwards and Blues: for All the Changes-Nikki Giovanni

Phat Camp…Chesty and I are officially registered and the trip is booked.  Chicago buddies: I’ll be in touch. We must go out before I get beat down in Phat Camp.

Baby Camryn…is fabulous! She has her Auntie Courtney’s cheeks…

Well…that’s it for now. I hope everyone is having a great week!


***Edit to add: Baby Camryn is my supervisor’s daughter. I’m her "play" Aunt…LOL This is not my brother’s child. OMG…my mom would kill him.  I just wanted to clear that up.

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November 30, 2005

I was just going to say, “Look at those cheeks.” People will know she is your auntie. Your plans are admirable and I’m sure you will do what you say. What did you think of the “Biggest Loser” finale last night? I was blown away by the transformations…they were terrific.

November 30, 2005

you tooo

Yeah, yeah, yeah…I’m a hater of course!! Nothing has changed over the years. I cannot believe that you get paid to do what you do. What a chocolate BABY!! Oh my goodness, she is beautiful! You and J? Uhm, hum… Have fun at Phat Camp, you will be just fine! Smooches…

December 1, 2005

Your Boy update cracked me up!!! Baby Camryn is just adorable.

December 1, 2005

awww look at baby Courtney that is now her name because she looks like you!!!! Auntie smauntie you spit her out!!!! You go girl with the phat camp above other things, You motivate me to move my big booty around to shake off somma this weight. DAng i need to come work with yall giving away free trips and stuff Shoot I wanna go on a trip lol. I need to put up money for my presents to me good idea

December 1, 2005

^^^^^MrsDawsondn is so crazy!!!!! Okay, am I out of the loop? Is that your brothers child? whoever she is, she is yummy!

December 1, 2005

Oh my god is she ever cute!!!! 🙂 I should really put down the Phat Camp deposit so I don’t lose a spot. Do you get it back if you wimp out… er…. change your mind? I have to do something. DAD weighs less than I do now 🙁

Cute cute baby photo. I’ll have to look through my JC cookbooks for holiday recipes. 🙂

December 1, 2005

the baby is just too cute :O)

December 1, 2005

The baby is adorable!!!! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Wish I could get some of those airline tickets, lol.

December 2, 2005

Oh my gosh, Camryn is smiling while sleeping! That is sooo cute. :)–

December 2, 2005

RYN: I was getting ready to kill him myself!!!!

December 2, 2005

i want to pinch her cheeks!

December 2, 2005

lol, i wasn’t going to ask but i was wondering if you little brother had surprised the family. RYN: yup. pretty sure i am. i’ve got my other three blogs up and running…i’m even updating fairly regularly. i’m tired of the downtime, the DM’s half-ass attention to the site, etc

December 2, 2005

The baby is so adorable. I guess things are heating up b/t you and J. You go girl. I wish you luck at Phat camp. I am sure you are going to kick butt not the other way around.