The Color Purple Curse…

…that I put on the DiaryMaster has now been lifted. The problem with the new diaries has been fixed and he reset the subscription start dates to reflect the down time.

The triathlon diary is located here. Not much there right now, but I promise much drama and cursing soon enough. Feel free to stop by and tell us how crazy we are…


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I am so there. šŸ™‚

ryn: awwwww, C! šŸ™‚ i miss u! it doesn’t seem like ww will be happening for me anytime soon. well, not until i get my student refund check. i’ve realized that i need to have more protein in my diet because of my low blood iron. supplements alone don’t seem to do the trick. but today’s the day where i’m actually going to start counting points again. i slacked almost all of dec.

January 7, 2003

RYN: lmao. just how badly are you limping? did 15 minutes on the stair stepper thingamajig and the whole time i could hear what sounded like sand grinding in my knee. i’m thinking a trip to a ortho dr is in my future if i intend to manage this TRI.