The Birthday Girl Speaks…

About the computer…

As mentioned, a virus fried the home puter and Gateway PROMISES that I’ll have it back on Friday. Everything was covered under the extended warranty, so no out-of-pocket costs for me…woohoo.

About WW…

I’m slowly climbing back on the wagon. Why is it so easy to gain weight and so difficult to get it off? My website will be getting a facelift in the next few days. A new look AND fresh start. Being without the computer has caused some major separation issues from my weight loss groups. You never realize how much you depend on the support until you spend some time without it. I haven’t been able to check in on my fellow weight loss buddies, so I hope everyone is doing well.

About the new job…

Things are GREAT. I absolutely love this place. Great people…great account…heavier paychecks. 🙂

About *25*

Thanks to everyone that sent a birthday email. You can imagine what my mailbox looks like after a hiatus, but I’m slowly working through them. I celebrated early on Saturday night…danced until my feet hurt and drank 3 too many cherry vodka sours. Tonight I’m meeting some friends for a birthday dinner. 25 feels a little strange…but Mom assures me my eggs are NOT drying up and I have plenty of time to breed. Like I was worried about THAT…

Hope everyone is having a great week…

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September 18, 2002

Yeah, so good to see you here! *~Happy Birthday~* to one heck of a lady!

September 18, 2002

Nope, I’m the one with the egg drier, remember?? 🙂 Happy Belated Birthday. I’ve been wondering about you, so glad to hear things are going well.

I am glad to know you are doing alright. 🙂 Again, Happy Birthday! I can’t wait for your return! 🙂

September 18, 2002

Good to hear from you. 🙂 All good news. Good to hear. Heavier paychecks are wonderful. Mo’ money! 😉 Be well.

Happy belated birthday! You’re going to love 25, trust me!