The Bermuda Food Triangle…

Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas…

It’s very easy to slip into an 8+ week foodfest during this time of year. However, I had a 6-week hiatus from program early, so you can bet my ass is going to be on track during the holidays. I’m approaching my 4th year of WW and holidays have never been an issue. The plan:

I’ve been invited to 2 parties (10/30 and 10/31). I’ll eat a healthy, high-protein dinner before each event and take a snack for later. Alcohol won’t be a problem. Even though cycling season is over for me, I’m still in the training mindset. I just don’t have the desire to drink. The silver lining? I won’t be home on Halloween. That means no candy dispensing duties…and no big ass bowl of sweets by the front door. Hooray!


Healthy breakfast (usually 4-6 points). My big meal with the family is lunch. I eat a reasonable portion of EVERYTHING* I want (including dessert). Later that evening, I have a small dinner (6 points). Oh yeah…I bust my ass at the gym the day before AND the day after. I usually do some sort of aggresive cardio on Friday. Simply because I like to shop that day…and I need to be pumped in case someone gets crazy at the mall. 🙂

*My family serves up the traditional soul food holiday meal…with a few Louisiana twists: fried turkey and gumbo. ::: cues Kanye’s Jesus Walk :::


The family meal is breakfast. I’m not big on sweets in the morning, so it will be easy to make healthy choices. The real holiday challenge is work. We’ll have airline/hotel vendors visiting practically every day with goodies. My plan? Never allow myself to get hungry. The ol’ desk will be stocked with protein bars, pretzels, popcorn, etc. Anything to keep the cookies/pastries out of my mouth. Secret Santa won’t be an issue because I always outlaw candy on my wish list. My team knows about my journey and everyone is pretty supportive.

I think this seems like a reasonable plan. T-Day is the day I *really* want to eat and I allow myself to do so…without deprivation. NYE plans are in the works and I will not look like a stuffed sausage in my outfit! Also, Danskin TRI training starts in January. Extra weight=Extra work. ’nuff said.


How do YOU plan to survive the Big 3?

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Duct tape over my mouth and my hands behind my back. Wait…no, that was my last date….. I plan to handle the Holidays one meal at a time. To think about it all at once is overwhelming for me as I am only 30 pounds into my journey.

Hey! I have been to your website various times, but I don’t think I’ve ever left you a note on this diary. You are such a huge inspiration! That is amazing how much weight you have lost! So motivational! I have 100 pounds or so to lose, and it’s a pretty daunting task, but when I see people like you who have lost so much, I think, why not? I can do this! You are wonderful!

And I am from Canada, so we already had our Thanksgiving, so I’ve got one of those holiday’s over with. I lost 4 pounds over that holiday! I cannot tell you how happy I was! Halloween shouldn’t be too hard for me, I might make myself a nice treat for it, and Christmas will be my worst! The suppers, candy, sweets, mmm. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but definitely the worst for food! I plan on

on losing another 16 pounds, if I have an average of 2 pounds a week lost, so I will be at 37 pounds total lost by Christmas, hopefully I can make it to 40, but I will be a little more leniant on myself for Christmas I think. I won’t overindulge, but I will treat myself..that is, if I continue losing this weight until then! Good luck hun! I’m sure you will do fine!

October 25, 2004

I have no plan :o( But I will try my best to eat moderatly and not take advantage of my pregnancy to gobble up, lol.

I think it’s great that you have a plan all laid out – that’s the key to your success!!! =) I plan on eating anything the “baby” wants…*wink*

October 25, 2004

I only have to deal with xmas. I was in FL for Canadian Thanksgiving so I missed that and since I’ll be here for American Thankgiving I wont be cooking. I suppose I could, but its not a holiday here so what’s the point. Xmas is a big thing here. Xmas eve, xmas day and boxing day. I’ll be working out constantly before those 3 days. Fortunatly I cook really healthfully.

October 25, 2004

Well, I’m not big on candy so Halloween is ok…Thanksgiving will probably be just Mike and I so I can cook only good stuff. Christmas we plan on being at the KC Chiefs/Raiders game so I don’t see any turkey or sweets heading my way then either. 🙂

October 25, 2004

I was going to sew my mouth shut and eat through a feeding tube for 8 weeks, but then I realized that I (knowing myself) would just OD on egg nog. So I nixed that. My latest idea: everything in moderation, and exercise like a mofo’.–

October 25, 2004

Basically I don’t ever eat enough to gain weight, so I put losing on hold those weeks that contain a holiday. Thanksgiving foods are actually pretty low-cal (all I like is the turkey and potatoes) and we don’t do a Christmas meal, really. Just random cold cuts and TONS of dips and veggies.

these are fantastic. i’m going to try these. especially the thanksgiving idea. i’m afraid the very thought of thanksgiving makes me weak in the knees at this point. 🙂

October 25, 2004


October 25, 2004

You are so full of life. I wish I could hang out with you sometime. Well, there is that pesky Ohio/Texas thing. But other than the DISTANCE, I would love to meet you! 🙂

October 25, 2004

We are so much luckier in Canada having our Thanksgiving early on in October. That long season of Thanksgiving and early Xmas parties until the big bash in New Years must be deadly.

October 25, 2004

I must admit I am in a state of utter shock right now. I have just finished reading your entire diary from day one to day present. You are insanely awesome. I really have no words to describe the high esteemn at which I hold you. You made me laugh, think, and get motivate and some at the same time even! You are truly an inspiration to any overweight person. Beautiful inside and out from start

October 25, 2004

to finish. Through all the ups and downs of weightloss, you perservered in a way that I have never even imagined. You layed your entire life out on this site, bearing you soul for all to see. And it’s gorgeous. I really wish I could find more words to describe how excrutiatingly amazing I think you are, but my vocabulary just isn’t that extensive. It seems a bit superflous to wish you luck (c)

October 25, 2004

(c) at this point, but I do wish you luck. All the luck in the world to get to your final goal. You are beautiful and amazing and I’m just glad knowing a share a little bit of space with you, even if it is through open diary. Thank you for being such an inspiration.

October 25, 2004

Oh, and one last thing. Your brother… is he single? 🙂

I know this sounds crazy, but I don’t think of the holidays as any different than any other time of the year. When you have issues with food, you always have to fight temptation. Whether it’s those cookies in the staff room or doughnuts at meetings. I don’t eat “diet” food. What I cook for my family is what i eat when I measure out a portion. So the holidays will be like any other time.

October 26, 2004

its great to have a plan, it helps combat the unnecessary eating. however, with me, even planning is disasterous. i have to learn how to limit my portions. oh well 🙂 take care hun!

October 26, 2004

Thank you! Kind words, kind words…I did actually bump into some inspiration today…I stopped at Walgreens and saw a friend who I haven’t seen since the beginning of July. She was very impressed, so I guess you can start to tell. That (plus your advice) was all the motivation I needed! Tonight’s my meeting, I’ll let ya know how it goes! P.S. Didn’t you think Van was a cutie?

girl! of course you are, providing you want to be. I’ve been a tad bit psycho lately so I wouldn’t blame you if you were skerrrd of a hooker.

OMG! We complain about Christmas eating down here, but really we have nothing to complain about….as we don’t have Halloween or Thanksgiving before it. I never really thought about you guys having all 3 holidays so close together before. Good luck…lol

November 7, 2004

I have no idea. But in about 4 weeks I will be getting my butt back on course and you promised to merry Chritsmas now get your ass working out remind me. Can you believe it has been that long?