That’s SO 1995…

Well, I promised that I’d post a high school photo for the Reunion Challenge…


Oy vey…this was Senior Prom…April 1995. I weighed approx. 340 lbs. Now, wouldn’t you think that going off to college would inspire me to lose weight? Only in a perfect world. I gained the Freshman 15 with everyone else and continued to gain until I reached 400+ in 2001. Lynn and I discussed what caused the delay in our health commitments. I suppose a lifestyle change needs to happen when you’re truly ready to kick ass. For me, it was 2001. Here we are almost 4 years later and I’m still chasing my goal weight.

Back to the photo, I didn’t have Mr. X’s web consent (who knows where he is now), so he received a nice blurry mask. As you can see, I never had a real aversion to short hair. I always thought it was funny when big girls told me that short hair makes a face look fat. NO…your FAT FACE makes your face look fat. There isn’t a hairstyle in the world that will give me a Size 6 body. Stop the madness.

Anyway…this picture is my added challenge motivation. I’ve kept in contact with a few friends from high school. Everyone else will simply remember me as a funny, fat girl. I will NOT be that chick at the reunion. My humor will still be raunchy and inappropriate, but the body will be new and improved.

Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day. I got a nice cardio workout from Wal-Mart and Toys R Us this morning (crazy ass Moms in Mini-vans must be stopped).

Until next time…



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November 26, 2004

Lord, look at that. Prom pictures are so funny to me. You MUST come to my prom in May, so you can have new prom pictures with your fab new body. 🙂

C, it is still a cute pic sister! Smooches…

November 27, 2004

I love your dress!

November 27, 2004

I agree with Blessed Beauty… it is a cute picture….!

November 27, 2004

RYN: Well, you are just going to have to cut me ma’am! Can you drain some fat out while you’re at it? Thanks. My senior Prom was in ’95 as well.. oddly it’s me and my husband in the picture. I don’t think the Web is ready for that one!

November 27, 2004

Wow- incredible! The difference is amazing. I’m with you- just trying to get under 200… but you’re right, its not just a destination, it truly is a journey. Hope your holiday was fabulous!

November 27, 2004

Have to say, even at that weight you were a truly beautiful girl. You are one of the most beautiful women I have seen, inside and out. Linette

November 27, 2004

I don’t have the strength to brave the crazed shoppers this weekend. I tell you you’re gonna shock em at the reunion. Have a great weekend and you really do inspire me.

You look so friggin cute!!! (Jackie)

November 27, 2004

you’ve come so far!

November 28, 2004

good and scary. When I have a binge-et I think, you have waited SO long to get to this weight. Then I think of your inspirational Food triangle speech. Are you weighin g in with a group? I think it does make a difference. I was at Joannes fabric at a sale and a lady (who just made goal) said to me in the checkout line, the 1 point pie was excellent. It was my pumpkin pie.:>)

ryn: No need to worry about that girl! Thanks to my Polish Grandma, I could wiegh 100 pounds AND STILL be rocking the fabu booty and boobage. Thanks for your never ending support. I love you girl!

November 28, 2004

RYN: actually, we are not high school sweethearts! We were both involved with other people prom time….. My man was 22 so he was too old to go to prom w/me. Don’t know where DH’s girlfriend was… didn’t care! Romantic still?!?!??

Hey. I just found you randomly, but I think Ill be coming back for more. I read your stat on the front, and I would like to say congrats and keep on truckin. That is amazing 🙂

November 28, 2004

Honestly, I wouldn’t have guessed your weight at 300+ in that picture. …I don’t know if that’s a good thing for your motivation, or a bad thing.–

December 4, 2004

You might see Mr. X at the reunion. Your smile is recongizable…the rest will stun everyone. Have fun!