Thank You…

You guys are the best! I appreciate the kind notes, emails and e-cards (yes, Bentley received e-cards too). His condition is slowly improving. The doctor put him on antibiotics and pain medicine. You haven’t lived until you’ve pushed medicine down a pissed Schnauzer’s throat. Oy…this mommy/nurse thing is exhausting. I’m not sure if I’ll ever be ready to take on the responsibility outside of the 4-legged world.

Bentley is no longer straining to urinate and his appetite is returning to normal. He gets very warm at night, but placing an ice pack under his pillow seems to do the trick. He has bruising around the incision (expected) and I think the staples (6 total) are starting to irk him. They’ll be removed next Saturday during his follow-up visit. I’ll find out then if he’ll need to be on a special diet. $25 for a 10 lb bag…hooray!

You know, I can’t really complain about the expense. The final hospital bill was $1783.25. A few people have expressed criticism about the figure, but it’s MY dog and MY money. A true pet lover could NEVER put their animal down for financial reasons. While Bentley’s condition was serious, it was 100% treatable. If I ended his life simply because the treatment cost was too high, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. He’s only 9.5 years old…and if he remains healthy, could possibly live another 5+ years. As his Mommy, it’s my job to make sure he has the best life possible.

Here’s an updated picture of our little patient. He’s still in recovery mode, but improving daily. Braxton has been fairly cooperative. He’s very interested in Bentley’s incision and the shaved IV leg. Once we have the doctor’s blessing, both pups will head to the groomer  to get appropriate Schnauzer ‘dos. Bentley looks like a grumpy old man right now. LOL

Hope everyone has a great weekend! My main plan is apartment cleaning. This place is a wreck after doggy drama week!

-C is for Caretaker

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I’m thinking I should get some pet insurance. . . Glad to hear the little guy is on the mend!

October 22, 2005

you’re right, girl. it’s YOUR kid and YOUR money. i back you up 100%.

October 22, 2005

What an adorable picture of him. I 100% agree with you, you’re an awesome Mommy. Gracie is in my lap asking me to have you tell Bentley hello.

I’m glad that your baby is feeling better. You spend your money however you want. He is wayyyyy cheaper than the 2 legged version. NO diapers! No daycare! Smooches…

October 22, 2005

OMG! he’s soooooo cute! i want a little dog so bad i can’t stand it! poor little thing!

October 22, 2005

we spent 1700+ on our dachsunds( me and my ex) back surgery and it didnt work and she was still paralyzed. she lived another 7 years using a k9 cart. my dad told me we should put her down.

October 22, 2005

I’m glad your baby is mending well! 🙂 I dog sat for a schnauzer named Schnapps. They’re good dogs.

October 22, 2005

He’s looking very dear in this photo. Does he have you feeding him by hand like my dog did this summer when she had surgery?

October 23, 2005

i felt the same way when we had to pay to operate on my dog’s eye, but now wish I would have put him down. He is just not the same dog w/o his eyesight…often hurting himself now because he cannot see at all. It’s painful to watch him sometimes.

October 23, 2005

Glad to hear baby is doing better!

October 24, 2005

You did the right thing, how can anyone criticize saving and caring for a family member, because pets are part of the family! Awww he is such a ham, cute. Glad he is doing better.

Glad he is doing well! Did you do the LAF ride?

i love his face. he’s so telling “mommy, just take the damn picture already”

October 25, 2005

Glad to see Bentley is doing better. Take care

October 25, 2005

awww so glad he is okay

October 26, 2005

awww he looks so sad I hope all turns out well for him.