
Hey Family!

Day 39-The cravings have finally gone away. Can you believe that? It took me over a month to detox my system/mind from the Vegas Carb Fest. That’s insane…sugar is the new crack!

I feel great. Phat Camp is only 12 days away. I feel excited and terrified. I’m sure it will be a great experience…and for $250, I’m hoping it will provide motivation to finish this year strong.

I went to visit my goddaughter (I looooove saying that) yesterday. She was a cutie pie, as usual. I can’t believe she’s almost 7 months old! Is it bad that I’ve already started planning her 1st birthday soiree with her Mom? She’s going to be a tad bit spoiled, but that’s ok. I was spoiled rotten as a child and look how I turned out? Spoiled Rotten-er. LOL

How is it that I can have a scary collarbone and a fat face? My body just won’t get the message. It’s not like I want a gaunt face…but some of the cheekage can go, right? Please excuse the baseball cap and bushy eyebrows. The visit was before my relaxer/waxing appointment at the salon.

Camryn vs. The Fruit

Sooo sweet…

While taking a break from riding yesterday, another cyclist stopped by. He mentioned that he’s been seeing me every weekend and I must be working really hard.  We talked about a few upcoming Dallas-area rides and went on our way. How cool is that? I love cycling camaraderie. The majority of cyclists are friendly and helpful. Wish I could say the same for the rollerbladers. HELLO? Pick a side and STAY ON IT.

Speaking of riding, The Tri-Divas have officially committed to an event! We’ll be doing the Katy Flatland Century in July. Don’t let the title fool you. The Divas are registering for the 30-mile course. July in Texas…

Today’s plan is spin class, dog walking, apartment cleaning and Sunday night TV.

Hope you all have a great Sunday!

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(random noter) Carbs/Sugar are the DEVIL! I swear… worse than any drug, probably. Your goddaughter is BEAUTIFUL!

Good GAWD, I think I’d die if I rode 30 miles in July in Texas. Who am I kidding? I couldn’t ride 30 miles in Alaska in December. 😉 CUTE CUTE baby! And I don’t think your face is fat at all. Plus you have dimples–a major plus. I do hope Anna keeps hers.

May 7, 2006

awww look at camryn she is just adorable. And don’t worry about the cheeks they make you who you are I WISH i had dimples to show off lol. Rock them thangs girl! And WOW a 30 mile ride whew. I’ve been thinking about purchasing a bike to eliminate gas prices. lol it’s not so far fetched nowadays….. no seriously

May 7, 2006

You look so good! And you have lost a ton more weight! wow, Im impressed!

May 7, 2006

Camryn is growing up so cute! And your collarbones are not scary. I would love to see collarbones. Haha. I can not wait to hear all about Phat Camp

May 7, 2006

I don’t think you have a fat face! You just have a gracefully slim neck. 😉 You rule with all this cycling. You mentioned that your weight hasn’t gone down in a year… have you been tracking your body fat percentage?–

May 7, 2006
May 7, 2006

I love that baby…. she is too cute!

May 7, 2006

You are adorable and I love your cheeks. They show your dimples even better.

May 8, 2006

Camryn is just the cutest thing!!! Your face is just fine…I like the cheekage and dimples.

May 8, 2006

You and your God-daugther are just adorable (yes both of you) Great pics.

May 8, 2006

So cute – you and her! 🙂 Good luck!

May 8, 2006

How adorable is she? Aww.

May 9, 2006

Awww she IS a cutie! I think your cheeks are great, by the way 🙂 my ass aches at the thought of a 30 mile ride!!!

May 9, 2006

Camryn vs the fruit. haha how cute is that!

May 9, 2006

ryn: ya know it was a little bit plain tasting, not enough kick. It was like they dumped a whole bag of carrots on it too I was like ummmm can I get some lettuce? lol

May 9, 2006

I hope everything is ok with Bentley….my fingers are seriously crossed. Let me know if you need anything. I love you Courtney

May 10, 2006

RYN: I’m glad everything is ok….we did an emergency bladder stone surgery over the weekend and I thought about you guys!

I know it felt good to have the encouragement and support of another rider. You’re doing so great C!! I love ya! That baby is too cute!! Look at your face, you are too cute with those cheeks. Smooches…

you are so beautiful courtney. you look amazing and your happiness shines through your eyes and your smile. you are truly the strongest woman i have ever known.

Was the other rider not hot or did you just not notice he was hitting on you? Sounds like he was trying to break the ice with you. Your face is not fat. Girl you look good. Be proud of your hard work!

May 13, 2006

You have lovely bone structure…not a fat face at all. It’s nice to have your athleticism noticed by someone else…and your workout ethic. Go Courtney.